Zumocast... Resource Hog?


Has anyone noticed that Zumocast seems to be a resource hog on their PC? (Not the phone.)

I had it running and my CPU was maxed out pretty much the whole time, the PC's fan blowin like mad...


New Member
Yep - Noticed that Too

I just installed ZumoCast on the computer last night, and definitely noticed the same thing. It's a total computer hog - taking up between 12 and 20 percent of the CPU at all times - and I have a pretty decent setup. I'll likely have to uninstall it until that particular glitch is fixed. I don't want to have to uninstall it mind you - ZumoCast does some nice stuff. First, I cannot get DLNA to work on the BIONIC - likely because it gives no options to log into the computer it connects with; but ZumoCast does this beautifully. Second, ZumoCast actually plays my HD video files in AVCHD format. That is the first streaming of any type I've seen that can do that. I like it a lot, but cannot allow it to totally drain my computer of power.​


Yeah same here- I don't want to delete it, as it seems like it would be useful, but I definitely can't set and forget it, so it'll be a pain to remember to enable it before I leave.


It quiets down after it builds it file structure. It is a PITA while its building that structure.


This!! It does quiet down after a little while. My PC was back to the normal 1-5% after a day or two. My side chirp twitter widget takes up more CPU than zumocast does.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums


New Member
I diidn't find the resources to be any problem once it cataloged the files

What annoys me is the times I am working with a file, create a new one and then want to delete or move either the old one or the new one, I get an error that says its open in another program. I have to stop Zumocast in order to delete or move the file


I diidn't find the resources to be any problem once it cataloged the files

What annoys me is the times I am working with a file, create a new one and then want to delete or move either the old one or the new one, I get an error that says its open in another program. I have to stop Zumocast in order to delete or move the file

That is only while zumocast is indexing I believe.


Mine was using a lot of resources only when indexing; after it quiets down its around 5% or less. If you add/change directories you want read, that's going to add to it I suppose while it's updating. It's a real hog on my OG Droid; I'm using a "hacked" version from XDA and it uses a ton of battery when streaming videos. Downloading is better though.