Wi fi question


New Member
Oct 6, 2011
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I searched and couldn't find an answer...is there a way to have my WiFi automatically turn on when I'm at home to help conserve battery? And automatically turn off when I leave?

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Nothing like these options are built in. You might be able to with a Tasker profile (Tasker app from Market). And even still not sure if its possible, once the WiFi is off, how will it know to connect to your home when you get home if WiFi is off and not searching for a signal? You could maybe set up Tasker to turn on WiFi when you reach certain area of GPS coordinates (thus needing GPS to be on) and even still not sure if Tasked can handle that.
I searched and couldn't find an answer...is there a way to have my WiFi automatically turn on when I'm at home to help conserve battery? And automatically turn off when I leave?

You can do this with Phone Weaver. It would use your GPS location to determine when to turn your WIFI off and on. It can also disable your lock screen when you are connected to your home or work wifi.
I especially like that it can automatically change my phone to a silent profile during meetings when I flag them as busy on our company Exchange server.
In my 4 (5 if you count my better half) Android phone run, I've never found that having WiFi on all the time makes any sort of difference in power consumption. I did, however, on my D2, increase the Wifi search time from the default (30 seconds I think) to something more like 600 seconds by modding the build.prop. That was more so that I didnt get an 'available network' notification constantly.

I did it with my Rezound, and had other problems pop up.

Long story short, I dont see a meaningful difference in power consumption by shutting off Wifi when it's not in use.
Tasker can definitely do this. I have Tasker profiles setup to activate certain Google Voice #'s and turn wifi on/off depending on where I am. I don't use GPS for it though, just cell location estimate, meaning you'll want to set a 1-5 mile radius around your actual target. I figure if I'm that close to home then I probably don't care if wifi is on because I'm either coming, or soon going to be past the outer limit and it'll turn off.
I searched and couldn't find an answer...is there a way to have my WiFi automatically turn on when I'm at home to help conserve battery? And automatically turn off when I leave?

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums

Juice Defender can do it for you and is a LOT easier to use than Tasker. JD can find your wifi connections you've used ( networks you've used), turns on wifi when in range, turn off 3/4g when in range of them, turn your wifi off and 3/4g back on once you get out of range of the wifi connections. It uses the e911 chip gps tracking so it uses no extra battery.
Back in the summer I'd forgotten I'd been to a DQ on the way home from the beach the year before and when we pulled into the lot and we went inside the network was already connected and 3g turned off when I went to check my email. I'd only used that netwrok once a full year before.

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dancedroid Yelp, I'm a big fan of JuiceDefender as well. I have the Ultimate version and I use it in the "Advanced" mode. It automatically finds your home network and switches to 4G whenever you leave the house. You can also set it to turn off WiFi/4G whenever the lock screen comes on, and then back on when you unlock your phone. It turns off data connectivity at night, yet still periodically turns it on at predetermined intervals to download msgs, email, etc. Second only to the screen being on, data on is the biggest power hog. By effectively managing this, you save major battery power. I leave my phone off the charger at night and it only drains 5% battery power. This is by far the most customizable app I've ever seen. It has so many settings it even allows you to save your configuration to a backup file. I would strongly suggest you get very familiar with the settings. One word of advice. There's a learning process JD goes through when you first install it. It may seem like it's not turning on WiFi when it's supposed to. That's normal, and part of the learning process. During this time you may need to manually turn it on. After it learns your network it'll do it automatically every time. You can also enable/disable each individual app's data connectivity. E.g. You can block text msgs or email alerts while playing games or watching movies. As soon as the game is done connectivity is automatically restored.


Overview | How to use JuiceDefender
