Should I root my Droid 3


hey guys i was wondering if i should root my droid 3 and put a custom rom on it cuz i mean their are certain things i like about blur and certain things i dont like about blur

Things I like:
Easy to use and organized
Helps me keep track of my data
Universal Messaging box

Things i really don't like:
Add's useless app's that i dont need wat so ever and cant get rid of
i do not like the launcher AT ALL!

tell me wat u think and give me advice cuz this could be useful for me thx!


Silver Member
Try Liberty 3. Its Blur but with AOSP. Faster, more customization and more

Or, you can root, and remove the bloatware. A different launcher such as LauncherPro will work whether you are rooted, unrooted, on a custom ROM, etc.



To root or not to root is a personal preference, above all else. I root all my phones because I enjoy tinkering and figuring out how things work.

If you're interested, the best thing you can do is search the many different Android forums out there and research the existing methods for rooting and the ROMs available for your particular device.

Rooting enables you to take control of CPU speed, remove ads from free apps, prevent some app services from starting when you don't want them to, freeze or delete system apps/bloatware (be very careful with this ability), make and keep backups of your phone in its current state, install custom ROMs and customize your phone in ways non-root users cannot.

That said, there is a risk of failure. If you don't have the patience or you're not an adept problem-solver, you might be too careless and screw something up. Or you might not, but think you did and end up spending full price on a replacement phone when you didn't have to. Rooting voids your phone's warranty. If you mess up and don't know how to return your phone to stock, you'll probably be SOL.

Google "Droid 3 root" and "Droid 3 SBF" (not necessarily in quotation marks). Read from some of the pages that come up and figure out if the process is within your personal tech parameters.

Good luck.
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I know how to root I had a droid 1 and rooted several different phones even a bionic just wanted some opinions and info on if I could get all the roms with the stuff I want

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Developer Relations
Staff member
Premium Member
If you want to get rid of bloatware you need to root.

If you only want to change the launcher, you don't need to root.


It sounded like you were unfamiliar with root. Sorry 'bout that.

I don't know what ROMs you're looking for, though. If you really want to remove the preloaded apps, then root is the way to go. If it's a matter of using your favorite ROM on the D3, you'll have to find out if it's available.

I would never root just to flash a ROM, but I've never been in love with a ROM, either. I would root no matter what, honestly.

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just tryed to backup my current rom stuck on this one piece will not continue it just stays on 8345e85e any idea's? plz help!


For what it's worth, my phone froze once when I was fixing permissions. I had no choice but to pull the battery. When my phone rebooted, I was back to stock (I had been running CM7), but root was unbroken. I had not backed up my ROM in two months, so I couldn't just restore it from a backup. Luckily, all I had to do was reflash the ROM from its .zip file on my SD card (plus

I don't think you're screwed...

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Sweet that help figure out my problem I looked up about bootstrap and people said use safestrap instead and it works

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