Self reboot issue


New Member
Jun 30, 2011
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I have a droid 2 and lately it's been having an issue where it will reboot randomly. It happens sometimes when I'm using the internet on the phone, but sometimes it will also do it just after being turned on and I don't even touch the phone. Sometimes it will just reboot back to the normal unlock screen, but lately instead it's been rebooting to a screen that is black with white text saying "bootloader 0.11" then a little below that the battery status then below that something about the USB. It seems like it may be a software issue, almost like it's displaying the normal turn on screen as text. It doesn't seem to have a specific reason that it does this, it will do it at random and then sometimes after rebooting once it's fine and sometimes it will take hours of messing with it before it will work correctly again. Also the home/menu/return/search buttons don't work at the "bootloader" screen. Any ideas what could be causing this and how to fix it?