Screen turns off during phone call then will not wake up until hang up


New Member
Peel off anything that is currently on the screen. The film that came with the phone, screen protector, or whatever. (If you have nothing attached to the screen, turn the phone off and wipe the screen clean.)

The problem might not reappear.


I have this problem occasionally as well, I have noticed that if I actually shake the phone a little it will wake up like it should... but it would be nice if it worked as designed.


New Member
black screen and Call Waiting feature

I have had this problem for 20 something days from the day I got the phone. Tech support at Verizon says they never heard of the problem. The 5000 people on the net between three forums seem to have heard about the problem.

No answers, no solutions.

As for the call waiting so you can go back and forth to call on hold, that is not supported. I heard it would be a software patch on Dec. 11.

cereal killer

Staff member
Same thing happened to me a couple weeks back. I disabled auto-dimmer and have not experienced the issue again. Most, not all, complaints are coming from people that experience it in sunny environments or well lit areas and it's obviously a bug in the OS with the sensor if this is he case. Which very well may be (see below)

Give it a shot. Cannot hurt.

*I narrowed issue down to ATK or the Auto-Dimmer on my device.*


New Member
I have noticed this intermittently. Very frustating. I've also noticed that sometimes the screen doesn't switch from vertical to horizontal or back when I turn it.

I am not on my 3rd Droid because of the horrible echo the other person hears. I guess I have to wait for the fix and pray it works because my "worry free"???!!!! 30 days will be up soon.


Just got this problem for the first time. I've had it since launch, I've actually tried to get this issue to happen on my phone but it didn't work.

Happened randomly, unresponsive, and had to do a quick battery pull.
Glad the phone turns on quickly.


New Member
Opposite problem


I see the problem being discussed here is the screen not turning on when the phone is taken away. However, I am experiencing the exact opposite problem.

Answer a call, hold it to my ear, the screen goes dark as expected. Through the course of the call, the screen gets activated again, while it is still against my ear. My cheek touches the screen and it accidentally either, mutes the call or disconnects it or activates the number pad and starts punching in numbers. Very frustrating when you have to re-dial 8 times to finish a conversation, not to mention the call minutes it eats up.

Needless to say, when the phone is in speaker mode and held away from the face, this issue is not seen.

I went to VZW store and they had not heard of this issue. I got my phone replaced and the same problem exists.

Has anyone else experienced this or seen this being discussed on another thread or forum?


New Member
Sensor does not like long hair.

I was searching around other forums and came across this:
Dropped Calls? - Android Forums

Looks like the screen accidentally comes on while in a call if you have long hair. I'll create a separate thread on this issue so that others seeing this can post there too.


Android Addict
Premium Member
Well, took my phone that was doing this to Verizon tonight. Was able to demonstrate to the rep what the problem was, and also told her the steps I took to try and correct it (hard reset, pull battery, etc...). Also showed her the results from the Sensor Test App. She didn't even argue with me, just said she'd replace it. I was able to show her the issue by standing under one of the ceiling lights in the store. She did say this was the first time she'd seen this issue, but had seen one Droid where the screen didn't turn off when in a call and the phone was held to the ear, which resulted in several mistakenly ended calls. Once I got the new phone, I tested it with various lights in the store, and even held it directly under one, and it worked exactly as it should, so Yay!

Just in case anyone wonders, this one is marked 41/09, and my old one was 39/09 (I think, could have been 38/09).


My phone seems to have fixed itself just like the camera did a couple weeks back. Is anyone else seeing this? Could it be another silent update or time sensitive software glitch?


New Member
Danthok, did the list of applications you have change between when you had the problem and now? Just thinking out loud, maybe an application was contributing to the problem?


Danthok, did the list of applications you have change between when you had the problem and now? Just thinking out loud, maybe an application was contributing to the problem?

Well the strange thing is that I went into Best Buy yesterday and demonstrated the problem for a replacement unit. I was without the packaging box with the unit code so I had to come back with that in order to exchange. So this morning I was trying to replicate it again and could not, it seems to have fixed itself.

The only application that I have installed/changed in that time frame is Not Call Log, which lets you choose where to go after hanging up a phone call. I am going to try uninstalling the app and see if the problem re-appears.

Well uninstalled it and the phone is still acting like it should, so i do not know what happened. I don't really care either it seems like my phone is fixed! :icon_ banana: