Petition for droidth3ory to come back!


Oct 23, 2011
Reaction score
I know he doesn't dev for the TB before and that nothing I could say could bring him back but I'd like to say that Jason was the finest dev for the TB at a time, he would release 2-3 updates a day and reply to every comment every user posted and was genuinely one of the nicest guys and devs this forum and xda had ever seen. Instead of this thread being a way to "get him to come back" I suggest that we just post our good comments on having him as a dev on the gnex, tbolt and bionic to show our thanks and appreciation because this guy really did do a hell of a lot for the communities he was involved in and worked hard to bring all users an awesome android experience.

droidth3ory: the opidimy of a great dev and person

sent from my Zeus 'Bolt