Hello Droidians


New Member
I just got a new Motorola Droid and so far this week I think I love it. I have some apps but still learning the system. It would have been nice to have a manual, but the box did not have one. well chat soon.



Welcome Dunetigger

Droidforums is a much better place to learn about your new toy than anything Motorola can throw together, trust me. If you have any questions about your droid just ask, the users here are helpful and friendly.



Rescue Squad
Rescue Squad
I just got a new Motorola Droid and so far this week I think I love it. I have some apps but still learning the system. It would have been nice to have a manual, but the box did not have one. well chat soon.


Welcome aboard, Frank! The best thing you can do is read, read, and then read some more. Start with the FAQs and then move on to whatever sparks your interest in the threads - you'll be amazed at just how much you can teach yourself! Enjoy your new toy! Here's a couple of welcome gifts:

Forget the top 5, list ALL of your apps and Full Motorola Droid User Guide
