heads up ... solar storm


Active Member
Jan 3, 2010
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some time tonight or am tomorrow. i suggest u pull the plug on anything electrical u own or power down battery operated electronics .... to minimize risk of electrical damage.
Its a solar storm, a solar flare is headed towards earth and hitting on 2 or 3 of august. I am not afraid, just bummed I am not more north to see some northern lights!
I think he's implying it can hurt our Droids. And while CMEs can certainly have fun with electronics on earth, you'll be perfectly safe as long you use surge protectors and don't take any flights into the magnetosphere for the next few days.
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And this whole time we have been worried about terrorist attacks when really it's the sun we should have been worried about.

On another note though I am in NH and it would be pretty awesome to see the northern lights.

Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
I think he's implying it can hurt our Droids. And while CMEs can certainly have fun with electronics on earth, you'll be perfectly safe as long you use surge protectors and don't take any flights into the magnetosphere for the next few days.

There goes my plans to visit the moon next week :p
I think he's implying it can hurt our Droids. And while CMEs can certainly have fun with electronics on earth, you'll be perfectly safe as long you use surge protectors and don't take any flights into the magnetosphere for the next few days.

With any big solar flare, it can be potentially harmful. I am not afraid about it hurting my PC, water heater, or even my Droid, however a big enough one could take out satellites no problem. I am waiting on that one in the future destruction of our planet hahaha. Sorry I'm such an optimist,..
I think he's implying it can hurt our Droids.

I will not hurt your phone. If its strong enough, it could interfere with cell communications. Possibly cause issues with the power grid. But I haven't seen anything to suggest it the flares are that strong.
Solar Flares are a daily occurrence, They peak on an 11 year cycle.
Just ask any Ham Operator....They come cause static and move on.
Solar Flares are a daily occurrence, They peak on an 11 year cycle.
Just ask any Ham Operator....They come cause static and move on.

ham operator? I prefer eating ham myself. Solar flares give it that little extra crisp on the skin.
Solar Flares are a daily occurrence, They peak on an 11 year cycle.
Just ask any Ham Operator....They come cause static and move on.

Amateur radio operator here. Yep - a little static - no biggie. Some people do, however, swear that electronics go a little wonky when a big one comes along. My dad seems to have headlights go out with solar storms. Either way, nothing to freak out about.