Google's Self-Driving Cars Have Been in 14 Accidents, but Still Zero Fault


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The above video is the latest data from the 14th accident that Google's Self Driving cars have been in since testing on American roads. While that sounds terrible on the surface, the reality is that NONE of the accidents were the fault of the Google Self-Driving auto.

As you can see in the video, the Google Self-Driving car was struck from behind by another vehicle while stopped at a light. Eleven of the fourteen Google car accidents were the same or similar. Apparently, in each of these instances, the person at fault was distracted, and many of them were supposedly using smartphones while driving.

What's interesting about this is that it means a great many minor accidents like this likely go unreported each year. This means the Google Self-Driving cars have an interesting side benefit of being excellent data collectors. It's probably hard for many folks to believe that a computer could drive better than a person, but the technology has evolved so rapidly that this is statistically the new reality.

The primary reason that a computer program can operate vehicles better than humans is because the computer will always remain vigilant without getting tired or being distracted. The computer can remain 100% focused on the singular task indefinitely, whereas that is impossible for a human. The future of driving is likely very similar to what we have seen in sci-fi movies like Minority Report and I,Robot, and it's coming fast.


Super Moderator
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Premium Member's can't drive normally..cause the people around you drive always have to be ready to take evasive action..driving in Houston and San Antonio has taught me a lot..
What its really taught me is that if you just don't care...get a 1 ton with a built up diesel ..fill the panels with concrete and rebar and put bumper guards on it..then just drive like you're supposed to..let the other people take care of themselves...LOL..

Jonny Kansas

Staff member
Rescue Squad
I read somewhere that this was the first of these accidents involving injury. There were a few Googlers in the self-driving car and the driver of the car that hit them. All got whiplash and similar issues.


Senior Member
This is very easy to understand, and it was totally predictable.

People are clearly disoriented, freaked out, and terrified by cars that appear to be driven by ghosts (remember how confused you were the last time the driver in the car in front of you was so short, you couldn't see his head???), and so an irresistible urge takes over that the ghost car must be destroyed. Chalk it up to evolution, it's a very reasonable survival instinct.



Gold Member
...The primary reason that a computer program can operate vehicles better than humans is because the computer will always remain vigilant without getting tired or being distracted. The computer can remain 100% focused on the singular task indefinitely, whereas that is impossible for a human.

...It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity or remorse or fear. And it absolutely WILL NOT STOP. Ever...


Jonny Kansas

Staff member
Rescue Squad
I can see the driver being distracted - but probably by the driverless bug in the road.
Idk if I can buy that excuse. Like I said, according to the article I read elsewhere, there were 3 Google employees in the car. Even if none of them were in the driver seat, I think I'd assume there was a short driver or it was a British car. Haha!

Also, coming up from directly behind it, if you were distracted by it, you should be able to tell it was stopped.


Gold Member
Maybe if they looked less peculiar, which they do. That sounds like a ton of rear end collisions - everything considered. There must be a correlation somewhere.


Silver Member
...and what happens when the software force closes, crashes, glitches, lags, etc.? Who gets sued?


Super Moderator
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Premium Member
...It can't be bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity or remorse or fear. And it absolutely WILL NOT STOP. Ever...


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