Google Pushes the Envelop on Sci-Fi Beyond Project Glass; New Patent for VR Gloves


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Dec 30, 2010
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Austin, TX

This news isn't directly Android or even mobile related, but it is some cool tech from Google, so we just had to share.

If you thought Google's Project Glass (aka Google Goggles), was only the beginning of something bigger, then you should pat yourself on the back. You were right. Google was just awarded a patent for VR gloves. It looks like they plan to take things to a whole new level, "Johnny Mnemonic" style.

The patent is called, “Seeing with your hand," and the device they are likely developing with the patent is called Google Smart Gloves. The specifics of the patent allow a wide range of possibilities with cameras & detectors on the fingertips, compass, gyroscopes, accelerometers and more. There's no telling how soon they will be able to bring a product like this to market, but it's great to see they were forward thinking with their patent. We might be only a few years away from "Minority Report" interfaces. Very slick!

Now, this is what you call true innovation that deserves a patent, not something meaningless and vague like the patent for a "wedge-shaped design." I wonder who has that one?

Source: PhoneArena
you realize that in that scene johnny was wearing an Eye Phone.........

yeah I absolutely LOVE Johnny Mnemonic easily one of my favorite movies

and it would rock to be able to use VR gloves
Would be cool for games.

Pesonally, I think the tech is going to mostly skip right over gloves and go to some sort of near-field sensors, or voice recognition is getting pretty good. And, let's face it, for many tasks having to take time to put on the gloves sort of defeats the purpose.

But I'm thinking things like waving your hand at the tv to change channels or adjust the volume.
...But I'm thinking things like waving your hand at the tv to change channels or adjust the volume.

samsung has this feature in their new top-of-the-line 8000 series TVs. a little camera at the top recognizes certain movements - VERY cool, but definitely not a perfect design as it doesn't always recognize patterns and motions and sometimes you find yourself repeating them (sorry, slightly off topic!).
Would be cool for games.

Pesonally, I think the tech is going to mostly skip right over gloves and go to some sort of near-field sensors, or voice recognition is getting pretty good. And, let's face it, for many tasks having to take time to put on the gloves sort of defeats the purpose.

But I'm thinking things like waving your hand at the tv to change channels or adjust the volume.

And that's where nano tech comes in with some sort of installed something that is in your hand. No need for actual gloves but works the same

Sent from my frozenly delicious bionic.
I'll bet that in the in-between phases of development we will probably see a combination of gloves plus motion sensor cameras that will do pretty much everything we see in sci-fi movies.
And that's where nano tech comes in with some sort of installed something that is in your hand. No need for actual gloves but works the same

Sent from my frozenly delicious bionic.

That will teach people who talk with their hands excessively! Just imagine a guy engaged in an animated conversation, and lights and electronics are going crazy all over the place.
I know this is random, but am i the only one who thinks about "Sword Art Online" (anime) :3
I figure this will be integrated to Google glasses' interface. since google glasses is currently run only by voice commands, the gloves can be used to interface with google glasses. gloves may be prototype, it may very well be just bracelets that trace the movement of your fingers through tendons and muscles the move under it.