FoxFi after new update


Jan 18, 2012
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Is anyone else having trouble using FoxFi after your phone was updated. my computer keeps saying it has limited connectivity. ive restarted my phone and my computer twice which has always fixed this problem in the past but even though im still trying the problem is not getting fixed. Ia anyone else having this trouble or is it just me? If you have how did you fix it? (the new update is the one that just rolled out today):mad::icon_ devil:
I think it says in the description something about toggling airplane mode on the off but if that don't work email the dev

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Is anyone else having trouble using FoxFi after your phone was updated. my computer keeps saying it has limited connectivity. ive restarted my phone and my computer twice which has always fixed this problem in the past but even though im still trying the problem is not getting fixed. Ia anyone else having this trouble or is it just me? If you have how did you fix it? (the new update is the one that just rolled out today):mad::icon_ devil:

After reading your post I tried mine. Seemed to work fine , it took about 2minutes to connect but works like it did before. BTW I have been on the update since last week , I was part of the soak test. Maybe try uninstalling and re-installing and see if that works.
So will foxfi work without root.. is the any like breech of contract ir anything

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Yes, FoxFi works without root. I don't see how it's a breech of contract. When you get down to it, data is data, it's paid for up front, and it's for me to use how I want. It's on the Market... VZW could have FoxFi blocked from their devices like Sprint does if they were worried about it.