Favorite Book?


Active Member
Books? Who in the android community reads these BOOKS???

I don't!

But what's your favorite? As mine is called "There were 10 in the bed"
(not sexual, but it might be. It's a children's book, don't judge the generation)


Without a hint of a doubt:

The Stand (uncut version), by the King himself.
I read it at least once a year and am always completely taken away.


Premium Member
Premium Member
Without a hint of a doubt:

The Stand (uncut version), by the King himself.
I read it at least once a year and am always completely taken away.

I second this. I love this book, it's definitely King's masterpiece.

If you can find it another very good book that's not well known anymore is Lucifer's Hammer. It's about what happens after a comet hits the earth, done long before anyone made a movie on it.


A Million Little Pieces by James Frey
I have more favorites though...I even read Twilight and enjoyed it..lol


Nice Guy
Premium Member
I enjoy Clive Cussler's works.

Currently I'm reading the Jeeves & Wooster series by P.G. Wodehouse.

I'm also partial to the Warriors series by Erin Hunter. It's a children's series about feral cats, very much like Watership Down. As a matter of fact, my avatar is the symbol of the StarClan, from the Russian translation.
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Premium Member
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Theme Developer
Harold and the Purple Crayon was my favorite as a kid, still love it.. haha


Active Member
A Million Little Pieces by James Frey
I have more favorites though...I even read Twilight and enjoyed it..lol

You know that James Frey was found out to be a fraud and that the book is one big lie?

He never even brought anything like that up....he just said it was his favorite. Hater lol

Dean Koontz is one my favorite authors, but I have to agree with The Stand. Awesome book.


I dont have one that I specifically like so instead Ill give you a list of a few of my favorites:

Demon In the Freezer - Richard Preston
Confederacy of Dunces - John Kennedy Toole
Watership Down - Richard Adams
anything written by Frederich Neitzsche


Super Moderator
Rescue Squad
Without a hint of a doubt:

The Stand (uncut version), by the King himself.
I read it at least once a year and am always completely taken away.

I second this. I love this book, it's definitely King's masterpiece.

If you can find it another very good book that's not well known anymore is Lucifer's Hammer. It's about what happens after a comet hits the earth, done long before anyone made a movie on it.

Excellent book. Read it a couple of times. Hot Fudge Tuesday ;)