Dropped Calls since Update


Nov 11, 2010
Reaction score
I installed the software update a week or two back when it came out. As promised, my call quality does seem to have improved. On the other hand, now I'm getting dropped calls, and I mean CONSTANTLY.
Before I rarely if ever lost a call.
Now I lose every single call, sometimes within a matter of seconds, sometimes within a matter or 2 or 3 minutes. It doesn't matter if I'm plugged into my wall charger, car charger, or not at all. This even happens when I have full bars and 3G (for what it's worth, I'm not running wifi or gps). I had one call, last night, which didn't get dropped. That's one in about 30 since the system update.
Anyone else experiencing this? Thoughts? This is already my 2nd Pro, would hate to have to return this one too...
I can't remember the last dropped call I've had. Have you tried a factory restore?
No, didn't think I would need to because of the update, and hate to lose everything I have on my phone.
I just got the update this morning. I hope this doesn't happen to me.

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I haven't made a lot of calls since the update, but the two that I've made were not dropped. However, my corporate sync has stopped working. Ugh.
I've had the update for a week and make tons of calls and have had no drops that I can remember. So this is certainly not an issue for me. Perhaps you are just unlucky?
Still no dropped calls for me all day.

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happens to me too

I've been with Verizon for over a year now, and had my Droid Pro since the day it came out. Never once had a dropped call UNTIL I installed the update. Now I've had at least 30 dropped calls in the last week. It's driving me nuts! Hopefully Verizon acknowledges this and does something about it ASAP.
Ok, well, I'm glad I'm not the only one. Hopefully that means that there is something genuinely going on with the update, and not that I need to return ANOTHER Droid Pro.
Sounds like there at least 2 of you out there that are experiencing this, but I just wanted to say that I still have not experienced any drops and I've had the update now for about 3 weeks. I'm a heavy call user and have been on a few long conference calls while driving around in the car. (Back when I was with Sprint these would always drop once or twice.)

Not saying you guys don't have a legitimate problem. I'm just pointing out that it is not a problem for all.

Perhaps this depends on where you live? Does Verizon use different frequencies in different parts of the countries? I'm in the Chicago area.

Also, I have GSM disabled. Maybe that makes a difference??
I have not been dropping calls either, and like the previous post, I have GSM turned off. I have used the phone in Alabama and Florida since the update without issues.

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Hmm are we looking at the phone not working well on 2.26.60 under gsm?

I personally had to roll back to 2.26.20 and everything is working fine now. Its annoying having to cancel the auto updates every 12 hours though.

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I just got my phone less than a week ago, and as much as I LOVE it, this whole dropped calls thing is bugging the **** out of me! I'm seriously considering returning it because of this. I have the 2.26.60 version. Is there anyway to revert to an older version that didn't have this issue??