Did y'all see this? LOL

That is what happens when you feel threatened and you need to put out propaganda. Like I said in other threads you'd be surprised how much of what you read is simply propaganda and put out there with ulterior motives. Of course Apple is not the only one guilty of this...every carrier would be. This is just a case where its blatantly obvious though.

Oh well give him credit...his cries for attention worked.
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#1 Mac Daily News

#2 In comments section, sums up everything: "Those stubborn or stupid enough to shun the iPhone truly get what they deserve."

:icon_ devil:
If you read some of his past blogs the dude pretty much hates everything. He's just a blow hard with a website.
"The hardware (which is Motorola’s) mostly works. The keyboard is horrible and I’ve never used it..."

I stopped reading right there. You can't hate what you haven't used.
I am a little disappointed that we are going to give his site an abundance of traffic. Boycott! Don't let his cries for attention be heard.
I hear ya! I get people telling me the same thing "OMG the Droid SUCKS" and I ask them why and if they've used one. Usually a cousin's brother's aunt's uncle's little brother saw one at the store and it looked ugly. LOL

SOMETIMES I let people like that LOOK at my Droid and they are always impressed and want to know what kind of phone it is. LOL
Every person who has seen my phone was giggly-excited about it--the majority of them being iDrone users. <shrug> Oh well, I'm happy.

- Mega
"The hardware (which is Motorola’s) mostly works. The keyboard is horrible and I’ve never used it..."

I stopped reading right there. You can't hate what you haven't used.

That line jumped out at me as well. And I love the comments.

I don't even own a Droid and I found this terribly entertaining!!! Thanks for the laugh!
HaHa so full of it like iPhone didnt and dont suck they are just mad android is coming up and at a faster rate maybe not like the iPhone but it will get there and camera button dont work? well mine dont either if i just press it and expect it to work if i hold for 3 or 4 sec it comes on everytime which I like better anyways. I had a iPhone and interface is sometimes nice and slick it was also slow and buggy too. Im soo happy with the droid and I would chose it over iPhone anyday mainly because its myPhone not applesPhone If I can not get any control over my devices whether it be a xbox ps2 a phone hell I even able to hack my lcd tv then I not having it just my honest opinion
"The hardware (which is Motorola’s) mostly works. The keyboard is horrible and I’ve never used it..."

I stopped reading right there. You can't hate what you haven't used.

The same spot where I stopped reading. What an idiot!!!!
His article is actually quite accurate. I personally love my Droid (known as a Droid fanboy to all my associates) and I am excited about it because the potential afforded by the power of the hardware and the open source nature of the code gives me the promise of some wonderful features in the future. But, this current version is just really for the early adopter types like myself who are willing to put up with beta versions of innovations just to experience something which will eventually be a breakthrough item.

I have disasters with my phone every day or two. Tonight someone called me back after a phone conversation and that incoming call the screen was just frozen... it rang, but not only could I not swipe to answer, but the power button repeatedly did nothing. I could not even turn it off without eventually removing the battery. And I have seen that and similar crazy things which define this as a beta product. But, I don't care, I have been a pioneer adopter going back to Radio Shack TRS 80 days and the first IBM PC's. It's fun for me.

But to say his article isn't fair or correct... that's nonsense. He's right, this is a product for people who are like me and love the adventure of what's new. And our patience will pay off.. the updates on the apps and the OS and other updates will make the Droid the finest of all the smartphones. I have friends that ask me about it... I say to some, "It's wonderful... but, you should wait until about March of next year. I think the bugs will be shaken out by then. To others (hardware and software warriors like me), I say go for it... it's a ball.
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