Delete Email "Trash" Folder


New Member
Nov 19, 2009
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Is there a way to delete or empty out the trash folder for my email on the Droid?
There doesn't seem to be a way other than selecting each item in trash folder and deleting them. Sort of ridiculous but you can't have everything I guess.
Ugh, isn't that rather redundant since we already deleted them, now we have to do it twice????
Ugh, isn't that rather redundant since we already deleted them, now we have to do it twice????

If there wasn't a Trash Can, people would be ticked because there wasn't one....
This IMO is the weakest part of Android. Yes, it's annoying as all get out, and I think it annoys most people. How the OS has gotten this far without "Empty Trash" and "Select All" functions is really amazing. Don't the developers and testers get email themselves?

I gotta believe it happen eventually. But the more people express their frustration, the sooner it will happen.

Give us an "Empty Trash" button in the email client, please."

Thank you.
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use imap to fix trash problem

If you set your email up as imap instead of pop3 then as you delete the messages off of your home computer they'll get wiped from your Droid at the same time. Hope this helps.
Right, but what if you delete them off your droid and are using IMAP; they remain on the server. Kinf of defeats the point of running IMAP.


If you set your email up as imap instead of pop3 then as you delete the messages off of your home computer they'll get wiped from your Droid at the same time. Hope this helps.
Ive seen two possible solutions to this problem.

1) Periodically delete the account from your list of accounts and then create it again. This sucks as far as an annoyance but others have found that its a lot less time consuming than selecting each email.

2) Dump the stock POP3 email app that comes with the phone and get K9 Email App. It works 100X better and has 100's of personal settings and modifications over the original. Plus it has a "Select All" button.
I went with #2. The nice thing is that when i removed my personal account, it changed the "email" to show that of my corproate email that I could only find under "Mesaging", "Corporate Sync" which is nice, cuz i could not figure out how to get a shortcut directly to it.. So now i have a K9 and an Email shortcut on the main screen. Too bad you cant rename the shortcuts, atleast i have not looked into it yet..

I agree.. K9 is ALOT better.. I also like that it allows you to identify the sending account.


Ive seen two possible solutions to this problem.

2) Dump the stock POP3 email app that comes with the phone and get K9 Email App. It works 100X better and has 100's of personal settings and modifications over the original. Plus it has a "Select All" button.
tried several times to remove the account but it ends up with forceclose message...anyother ideas