AudioOut_2 keeping phone awake


Mar 12, 2011
Reaction score
Central Texas (not my fault)
Well I thought I was finished with the phone staying awake for hours and hours. Over the last couple days I noticed my keep awake time was again climbing. Today it is only 20 minutes less than the total phone "on" time. But GSam now tells you what the culprit is! Mediaserver again but the process keeping the phone awake is "AudioOut_2". What is triggering this? Anyone know? I am not streaming music, not listening to any radio stations. No phone calls have come in and not even a text notification has come in this morning. Mediaserver is top of the battery list at 26%. Have not seen this problem in a while! Any help would be appreciated. When I find out what AudioOut is, I will kill it lol.

In searching, I am finding a lot of posts on this. And Viber appears to be one of the problems. I have Viber on here as I have quite a few friends overseas and it does get used. One suggesting was changing to system sounds, not using theirs. Did that and will see. Hate to lose that app as it is the only communication between me and friends in Germany and Japan. Things that make you go hmmm....

Oddly I have had Viber on here since last October and never had this problem before..
Well tried a suggestion found on the net...changed Viber's settings to "use phone settings" not theirs. And rebooted the device. Mediaserver is a 0.1% now. Don't know if permanent fix or not. Would hate to have to ditch Viber but that may be the only alternative. Of course all kinds of things are blamed but Viber seems to be at the head of the list. We will see! Really like that GSam is now giving WHAT is causing it instead of generic "mediaserver".
GSam shows my AudioOut_2 at 8.8% of usage, and running for 1hr58mins.
For me, this was the external speaker playing IHeart Radio.

Sent from my DROID RAZR Maxx using Droid Forums
I had not had any radio running tho. After changing the setting in Viber and force stopping it, I rebooted. It is now at 9 minutes out of the last 7 hours so I believe in my case Viber was the problem. I am sure glad GSam started showing what the wakelock was. It is running fast and smooth again and still at 77% of the battery so happy happy joy joy!