Zombieville USA - **GAME CHEATS**


May 29, 2010
Reaction score
Took me a little while to figure this out but I got it to work, and it's the cheater's way to level up all your weapons, health, cash etc.

1. start up Zombieville USA
2. pick character, level etc
3. play through the first level until you get to where you can buy guns, ammo, health, etc. (Not really required but it will make things easier when you start the game back up)
4. back out of game
5. start up the applications management
6. navigate to All Applications
7. find Zombieville USA> Force Stop
8. start up your favorite file explorer (I used root explorer, the file explorer you use MUST be able to edit files in the data directory)*Not sure if Astro, ES, etc will allow you to edit /data files*
9. navigate to /data/data/com.MikaMobile.Zombieville/shared_prefs directory
10. Open the com.MikaMobile.Zombieville.xml with text editor
11. Here you can edit cash, lives, health, ammo, weapon tiers etc
**the weapons tiers are maxed out at 3 (i.e. "shotgunTier" value="3") this also includes the melee tier
**the Ammo counts are maxed out at 999
**the weapons owned are maxed out at 5
**the cash is maxed out at 9999
12. after you've edited all the values you want save file and back out (root explorer automatically backs up previous file to .bak this can be deleted if you like)
13. start up Zombieville USA and Resume game.
**You should have everything you edited in the .xml file. So you should have max weapons, cash, ammo, etc. if you edited the values that way
14. ENJOY!!! and Kill Some Zombies

**Additional Notes**
-This is a temp file, so if you don't force stop the game prior to editing the file this cheat won't work. (I guess you might be able to edit the file prior to starting the game in the first place)*Not Tested*
-If you try to edit a value higher than it's max the game will not start up (i.e. "shotgunTier" value="4"). Don't worry though you can always reedit the file if you make a mistake and the game will start up fine.
-You can also edit the "vehicleSpawnChance" value to increase the chances of a vehicle spawning on a level *Not Tested*
-"maxHealth" and "health" values can be edited, not really sure what the max values are but I'm assuming that if you want your "health" value to 999, than the "maxHealth" value must be 999. Just an educated guess, feel free to experiment. Again *Not Tested*
-if you have any other findings, post them here
I tried it and it worked. DIdn't work if I left the .bak file though, had to delete it.
Ive tryed every way i can think of, but yet i cant find zombievilles folder. I have a droid 2, dont know if that makes a difference.
I have the same problem. I have the droid x, do you need to be rooted for this to work?