***********Game CIH***********
°°°°°°°°°°°°How to get it°°°°°°°°°°°°
You can find Game CIH in here http://www.cih.com.tw/download just download it and install it.
°°°°°°°°°°°°How to use it°°°°°°°°°°°°
If you downloaded the app you can see the Game CIH icon on home screen or you can find it on your applications. After that tap it to open.
The Game CIH home will show up. There are two "commands" there.
-Hot key (you can put a hot key in order to open the GCIH with that hot key)
-Toolbar(you can put here the time of the toolbar time out "just leave it like that or change it of you need")
Then close the GCIH Home and go to 'hack' a app. First open the app. After that you will see the GCIH Toolbar on the left up corner of the screen "should be hidden". Just tap on that and some icons will show up.
× The first icon is for hacking speed (the icon with the horizontal lines). After taping on it some other icons will show up.
]after the first icon is a number "the speed number" 1 for normal higher speed it up lower slow it down. To change that number you have the icons on the right side the 2 arrows pointing left slow it down 2 arrows pointing right speed it up the stop icon make it normal again. To close it just tap the first icon from left.
× The second is the move icon (you can move the toolbar up or don on the left side "depends on the game")
× The third is the most important icon "Search Button". After taping on it a now menu will show up with three "commands".
•Input number-it is used to find number values on app. After searching the first value another menu shows up. It have a input number 'the changed value' and 4 other icons. The 1 is = means the value that remains the same as first one. The 2 is !
means the value has changed but we don't know if lower or higher. The 3 is + means the value is higher and 4 is - means the value is lower.
•Low level analysis-it is used to find unknown initial values of app. If we tap on it it will show up the same icons as in the "Input Number" command.
•Input name- it is used to find value by it's name. This is a bit hard so just use the other commands.
× The fourth is the the "Settings" icon. After taping it a menu shows up. Return to GCIH Home screen or Quit GCIH.
× The fifth is the 'manual' hide toolbar icon.
Extra: Is also a freeze or unfreeze command that is for the values. After finding a value on the left there's a small icon (a lock) and its opened means that the value is changeable (unfreeze). By taping on that icon the lock will turn red and will close so the value its not changeable (freeze) and the value will remain the same as the number you will put (or the one it was).
°°°°°°°°°°°°How to get it°°°°°°°°°°°°
You can find Game CIH in here http://www.cih.com.tw/download just download it and install it.
°°°°°°°°°°°°How to use it°°°°°°°°°°°°
If you downloaded the app you can see the Game CIH icon on home screen or you can find it on your applications. After that tap it to open.
The Game CIH home will show up. There are two "commands" there.
-Hot key (you can put a hot key in order to open the GCIH with that hot key)
-Toolbar(you can put here the time of the toolbar time out "just leave it like that or change it of you need")
Then close the GCIH Home and go to 'hack' a app. First open the app. After that you will see the GCIH Toolbar on the left up corner of the screen "should be hidden". Just tap on that and some icons will show up.
× The first icon is for hacking speed (the icon with the horizontal lines). After taping on it some other icons will show up.
]after the first icon is a number "the speed number" 1 for normal higher speed it up lower slow it down. To change that number you have the icons on the right side the 2 arrows pointing left slow it down 2 arrows pointing right speed it up the stop icon make it normal again. To close it just tap the first icon from left.
× The second is the move icon (you can move the toolbar up or don on the left side "depends on the game")
× The third is the most important icon "Search Button". After taping on it a now menu will show up with three "commands".
•Input number-it is used to find number values on app. After searching the first value another menu shows up. It have a input number 'the changed value' and 4 other icons. The 1 is = means the value that remains the same as first one. The 2 is !
means the value has changed but we don't know if lower or higher. The 3 is + means the value is higher and 4 is - means the value is lower.
•Low level analysis-it is used to find unknown initial values of app. If we tap on it it will show up the same icons as in the "Input Number" command.
•Input name- it is used to find value by it's name. This is a bit hard so just use the other commands.
× The fourth is the the "Settings" icon. After taping it a menu shows up. Return to GCIH Home screen or Quit GCIH.
× The fifth is the 'manual' hide toolbar icon.
Extra: Is also a freeze or unfreeze command that is for the values. After finding a value on the left there's a small icon (a lock) and its opened means that the value is changeable (unfreeze). By taping on that icon the lock will turn red and will close so the value its not changeable (freeze) and the value will remain the same as the number you will put (or the one it was).

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