Here recently the status bar has become an overwhelmingly cluttered mess especially on OEM skins like touchwiz. It seems like there is a statusbar icon for lots of third party apps as well. Over time these apps can really clutter up your status bar to the point it becomes unusable even to view real notifications from email and sms. If you are running a custom rom you more than likely have options to hide all of your OEM skin status bar icons, and maybe even some system icons. If you are not running a custom rom then you are pretty much out of luck. Developer "hamzahrmalik" has released an xposed module that allows you to remove several of your system status bar icons. With this mod you will be able to hide clock, battery, signal cluster, and notification icons from apps. This will really help to give your device a smooth and clean look. It should be noted that you will have to be rooted with the Xposed Framework installed for this to work on your device. Head to the module link below for the download.