Here is a perfect example for why Root and Xposed is an awesome addition to your Android device. You don't have to be running a custom rom to add user experience enhancing features to your device. Now that Xposed is supported in Lollipop module developers are already starting to improve stock Lollipop. One of the best new features in LP is the new battery saver mode. With battery saver enabled you can extend that last 10% for several hours in case an emergency arises and you have to place a quick phone call. The only downside to the battery saver mode is the hideous, glaring orange theme that graces your devices notification bar and nav bar. It looks awful and even seems to add a bit of stress to your life. Its as if its screaming at you "OH NO YOU ARE ALMOST OUT OF BATTERY GET TO A CHARGER NOW!" Its nice and all that it notifies you of the battery status, but this seems a bit over the top.
Good thing "TheFragen" was found a way to ditch the orange theme! His Xposed Framework module "Remove Battery Saver Warning Color" does exactly as the name of the mod suggest. It simply removes the orange battery saver color. All you need is to be rooted with the Xposed Framework installed. This can be used with stock or custom roms. Head to the link below for the download.
via Xposed