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Feb 5, 2012
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Referring back to the old "Verizon tech spilled the beans" thread, just wondering if anyone has heard more about us getting wifi calling this month??
I have great wifi at home but a fairly weak 4g signal so advanced calling isn't much use. As a matter of fact, I keep it turned off so calls don't drop.
Also, will video calling work over wifi?
It could simply be that nobody knows. I don't have a turbo and I don't use WiFi, so I didn't bother to answer. I'm sure you'll get some replies, hang in there.

S5 tap'n
Only thing I have ever read on the subject is an article. Do a search for wifi calling droid turbo and there is an article about how Verizon said the earliest would be mid-year 2015.
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I'm also waiting on it too. I have very poor reception at home, I kinda live in the bottom of a valley. I don't think I should have to pay for a network extender as I am already paying for service that I'm not getting. So my fingers are crossed still. The last time I spoke to Verizon tech support about my signal, I was told they were supposed to have already announced the new feature,I think 7/1. He didn't have an idea as to what the delay was but also hadn't heard of a new timeline / date for WIFI calling annoucement or implementation.
I'm pretty sure that video calling will not function as the advanced calling function has to be turned off and 4G / LTE is also disabled when on WIFI, but will resume when off of the local WIFI network.
I need this to come to fruition soon before I have to cave in and purchase this high dollar extender.
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