Reasons for rooting and further trying ROMS are personal, and since there are Risk like:
Voiding Warranty (Don't ask Verizon to fix it if say bluetooth, Wifi, GPS is broken)
Bricking the Phone (Rare, and not dead)
Killing the Phone (Yep it could happen)
Getting Fired/Reprimanded (Did work pay for it? Business Plan, My Boss is fine with it, but I pay to replace the thing)
Annoying your spouse (often)
Options with rooting, Baby steps.
Option 1
Rooting, and only staying Stock
Run utilities, Like Titanium Backup. (Purchased edition saves to Google Drive, Loose phone, recover later, My #1 Reason)
Hide or "Freeze" apps. (Don't delete them, doing so will lock you out of Official updates)
Control options that are locked out, hidden, or apply tweaks to fix annoyances.
build.prop tweaks!
Option 2 -Play with ROMS
FYI: I lurked on this forum for over a month catching up on all the posts and information before I Played with any of the ROMS. I suggest the same to everyone, get an idea of What is in the ROM, current issues, tweaks, etc. I have personally "Bricked" my phone 5 times because I missed something important, and although not fun at the time. The reward has been the Most stable and properly functioning Smart phone I have ever had.
Prep. Backup SD Card, and internal Flash (8GB) and have the Phone Reformat it. (Some ROMs have either problems with SD formatted with Microsoft FAT32 versus Open FAT32 or Media Players that Index the SD card, causing battery issues. After Loading the ROM It indexes nothing then when you copy media back it indexes on copy. PITA but worth it in my eyes)
Rooting and Backup App Data only.
Restore to Full Stock and Root again -=Prepped for a clean backup with few tweaks, Ready for OTA update if desired=-
SafeStrap 3.11 or Latest,
Make another backup of the Non-Safe (Stock) ROM within SafeStrap (nandroid)
(I Delete and recreate the Rom slot every time I make a change, Reusing the Slot has strange issues almost everytime)
Now play with ROMS
-=SLOT 1 Only Size 1GB=-Playground-Start with Hashcode's CM10.1/JellyBean Rom (Missing key features, Camera, Bluetooth, GPS lock issue, but way cool)
-=SLOT 2 Size 3GB=- Daily Driver-I recommend Myfishbear's Eclipse 1.5.2 (Pre-tweaked 99% stable, All Features. Android ICS, has SD card index issue), and Google Now v6.
Don't overclock yet, play with default kernel first, nothing worse than having a problem and not being able to know if it's the ROM of the CPU flaking out ;-)
Anywho, That's my 2 cents.