Still really new at this. I am amazing actually got one ROM flashed on there when I did, so please don't roll your eyes if you've answered the question a 300 times already.
I am trying to put the original Bionic system back on to my device and someone was very kind as to send me the files to do that since I apparently didn't make a back up before I rooted.
I am now trying to flash it back on my phone with the forever root option so I can get the new 5.5.902 or .903 whichever it is System version. Now, when I go to download the final file which has the fxz file on in it, it I am being told that the file has been erase or something like that.
I've not opened any of the files, so I am not in danger of losing my device, but this is getting really frustrating. I thought this was supposed to be easy?
I am trying to put the original Bionic system back on to my device and someone was very kind as to send me the files to do that since I apparently didn't make a back up before I rooted.
I am now trying to flash it back on my phone with the forever root option so I can get the new 5.5.902 or .903 whichever it is System version. Now, when I go to download the final file which has the fxz file on in it, it I am being told that the file has been erase or something like that.
I've not opened any of the files, so I am not in danger of losing my device, but this is getting really frustrating. I thought this was supposed to be easy?