Whats the best weather app?

Droid man

New Member
Jun 6, 2010
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Im looking for a weather app and i have the weather channel. im looking for the best weather app for my motorola droid. whats the best weather app?
In my opinion, Weatherbug is the best. It's accurate (at least where I live) and it also displays the temperature in the notification panel if you want it to. If you buy the elite version you also get a widget that shows the weather for the next 3 days. Weatherbug is something I'm constantly using. I suggest you try it out.
I would check out Palmary Weather. It's free from the Android Market and I think it's much better than Weather Channel or Weather Bug. There's no widget for it right now, so I just put the app icon on one of my Droid's screens.
I think the stock News & Weather app has the best looking widget, but I use WeatherBug because it's much more informative.
I prefer the weather channel app/widget. i tried all the ones listed above and personally still like the weather channel. the selling point for me is the widget and the 10 day forecast, but still just my personal preference.
try the weather widgets from yr.no

i like them alot.. in the market just search weather widgets and look for the one by yr.no or just search yr.no