I'm loving mine so far. Came from an OG Droid and a "rental" iphone 4s. Love the screen! Device IS big, but compared to 4.3" devices i played with such as the Razr, galaxy s2, it does not feel much bigger at all to me. Everything has been snappy so far, activated fine, call voice quality is wonderful.
The wifi signal im showing in the statusbar seems lower than other devices i've used, but the speed in speed test was on par with those devices, so many it just shows a different number of bars or something IDK. Didn't do any scientific tests other than the speedtest which was perfectly satisfactory to me.
Havn't really tested the camera yet either, but I don't use my phone as a serious camera much aside from taking quick shots for facebook / twitter.
All in all, so happy to have the device, quality feels great, its quick and snappy, great screen. <3