Weird crackling noise?


I've had my droid 3 for 2 days after getting it replaced from a previous d3 (screen issue) and I've noticed something strange. While playing some one the higher end apps (zombie farm, great little war game, blood and glory) I will sometimes hear a crackle and the game will lag a bit. Sometimes it will get worse and to the point where the phone freezes and reboots. My previous d3 had this happen too im wondering has anyone seen this happen before?

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I don't know if I have this problem because I rarely play games, but I'll throw some stuff out there for you.

My suggestion would be to look at the list of running apps before you launch a game. Could any of those apps/services interfere somehow? Also, do you have a program like Juice Defender active on your phone?

Just a couple thoughts.

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No I don't have any weird programs installed or any antivirus.

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I Googled your problem and your posts were the only ones that came up (many for "crackling noise" on other phones during calls and video recording, but nothing else for your problem). This doesn't seem like a widespread problem, which probably explains why you're having trouble finding answers.

If you're confident that your phone isn't running something that would interfere with gameplay, my next question is this: Where did you get your original phone and the replacement? Did Verizon send them to you, or did you walk into a store and get them? I had to return my first D2G and the store I got it from couldn't do an exchange for me because all of the D2Gs they received came from a bad batch (identified by MEID).

If you did get your phones from a particular store and you decide to return your phone again, I would suggest going to a different Verizon store.

Hopefully, someone else might be able to shed more light on this subject so it doesn't have to come to that.

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New Member
This happens to me all the time! It is extremely frustrating and happens daily. Should I request a replacement?

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