New Member
I woke up this morning to find a bottle of Resolve carpet cleaner knocked over on top on my Droid. (Since the cord is so short I have to charge it on the floor). Anyways, I take it to the Verizon store thinking it would be no problem because I have insurance but it turns out the idiot that changed my number in June forgot to transfer my insurance. So after talking to the manager (which btw was NO HELP AT ALL!), he tells me that if I sent the phone in it would be insurance fraud and pretty much I was screwed because I don't have insurance. (GRRRR) So now I'm stuck because I refuse to pay $600 for a new phone. The only thing that is wrong is the touch screen. The battery and the keyboard is fine. The stickers are still white with red X's. So my question to you is, is there ANYTHING I can do to dry out the screen? I have it in a bag of rice right now, hoping maybe it will dry it out. It looks like there is condensation on the inside of the screen. It still turns on, I just can't unlock it.