Waiting to Get My Droid


New Member
Feb 23, 2010
Reaction score
Waiting for Verizon to recognize my new phone date... want to get the Motorola Droid... have not played with one yet, but like the idea of a hard keyboard to maximize the screen view... hear it is a beautiful unit... tried the Samsung i910 Omnia... did not like the onscreen keyboard (guess I am old school). Browsing was painful... went back to the Palm p755... just waiting to qualify... voyageurs60 (Dan)
Waiting for Verizon to recognize my new phone date... want to get the Motorola Droid... have not played with one yet, but like the idea of a hard keyboard to maximize the screen view... hear it is a beautiful unit... tried the Samsung i910 Omnia... did not like the onscreen keyboard (guess I am old school). Browsing was painful... went back to the Palm p755... just waiting to qualify... voyageurs60 (Dan)

:welcome: to the Droid Forums. Get ready for some schooling, this is going to be quite a bit different then what you used before. But since you're a member of this forum you have about 40,000 friends to help you out.:)
Waiting for Verizon to recognize my new phone date... want to get the Motorola Droid... have not played with one yet, but like the idea of a hard keyboard to maximize the screen view... hear it is a beautiful unit... tried the Samsung i910 Omnia... did not like the onscreen keyboard (guess I am old school). Browsing was painful... went back to the Palm p755... just waiting to qualify... voyageurs60 (Dan)

Welcome to the club, voyageurs60! This is a great forum with lots of very colorful characters who know what they're talking about. Glad you've decided to join us!