Voice mail?

FoxKat, Did you you download the WhoAreYou Caller ID?

Downloading now. Ill report back with my findings. Thanks!

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FoxKat, Did you you download the WhoAreYou Caller ID?

Damn, that's NICE! Synchronizing with YouMail AND Facebook, plus it uploads all your phone contacts too! GREAT FIND!

If there's one thing I love, it's an app that does what it supposed to do and nothing more. It's simple and effective, limited number of options but does the job!

It even found 1 of the telemarketers that I had set up on the ditch command on YouMail and brought it down into its own application!

Now I can't wait to get a call from somebody who's not on my contact list, haha! Who wants to call me so I can try it out?

EDIT; Got my first phone call from someone I've never spoken to before. I had called tech support for another application which I was considering paying 4, but wanted to know if their Refund policy was more than 15 minutes that google gives you. When the call came in not only did it identify the name of the caller, but it also identified the company who makes the application, including their City and State, and their corporate logo (which probably came from their facebook page.)

I think I have a new favorite app. :)

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I'm fairly new to Android and didn't know about "App Actions" either until FoxKat posted about using it. I thought it was really cool and am happy to be able to share it. Glad it serves your purpose.

I'd like to add that there's a neat app made by the YouMail people called Better YouMail and it adds the same type of screen controls that Google Voice has, plus some other neat features. I installed it today. It's $2.99, and I haven't given it the full run yet, but what I see so far is pretty cool.

:icon_ lala: