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program voicemail to auto password


New Member
in DROID X , the user manual says i can *86,,,xxxx#
-x being my secret password
- , being a programed pause
- *86 dials your phones voicemail

so i am according to verizon able to go to settings, call settings /voicemail settings and type the above , having one click to dial voicemail box and auto enter the pass....

well it for sure don't wotk, i try every combo of pauses from one , to 1 hundred. nothing works, right on that setting screen is a button to buy "visual voice mail", this whole page is a verizon scam in my opinion

i finally got my phone to call the voicemail and auto enter my pass to get the one click voicemail,.............. but i had to add a contact to cantacts , name this contact "voicemail" put the following string *86,, your password#. then simply make a shortcut on home screen to this new so called "contact"

but i spent 20 minutes of my life running circles to the puppet master verizon, they want you to give up and pay 2.99 a month for the rest of your life for visual voice mail program they sell......lol
Well there's always google voice for a free visual voicemail

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How to automatically enter password in voicemail dial

I'm working with an HTC Thunderbolt. Go to Contacts/People and find the Voicemail entry. Enter the number for it to call as *86pp1234 where the "1234" is your password/pin. The two Ps (pp) are available on my keyboard in Contacts by pressing the large P on the keyboard. (This is a numerical keyboard with a large P and a large W. The P is for "pause.")

So the entry should look just as above, *86pp1234

Then hit Save and that should do it.

Then, at least on the Thunderbolt, you go to the Home screen and press and hold down on any blank spot on the screen. Up will come a contextual menu. Go to Shortcut. That will bring you to the next screen, where you'll click on Direct Dial. Clicking on that will bring you to your Contacts/People entries. Scroll down to Voicemail and tap on it. That will put it on your homescreen as an Icon (in Contacts/People, you can assign a photo or icon to it in the usual manner). Once it's on your home screen just tapping it should call your voicemail and auto enter your p/w or pin and you should be in.

IF, as happened to me, there's no "voicemail" entry in Contacts/People, just create one and give the first name as Voicemail and the last name as Voicemail and enter the *86pp1234 as mentioned above.

Finally, if there's no "P" on the numerical keyboard you're working with, try the "," (comma) as someone else suggested. I don't know about that...I just used the P twice for pause but don't know if it's on all keyboards.

Hope this helps.