in DROID X , the user manual says i can *86,,,xxxx#
-x being my secret password
- , being a programed pause
- *86 dials your phones voicemail
so i am according to verizon able to go to settings, call settings /voicemail settings and type the above , having one click to dial voicemail box and auto enter the pass....
well it for sure don't wotk, i try every combo of pauses from one , to 1 hundred. nothing works, right on that setting screen is a button to buy "visual voice mail", this whole page is a verizon scam in my opinion
i finally got my phone to call the voicemail and auto enter my pass to get the one click voicemail,.............. but i had to add a contact to cantacts , name this contact "voicemail" put the following string *86,, your password#. then simply make a shortcut on home screen to this new so called "contact"
but i spent 20 minutes of my life running circles to the puppet master verizon, they want you to give up and pay 2.99 a month for the rest of your life for visual voice mail program they
-x being my secret password
- , being a programed pause
- *86 dials your phones voicemail
so i am according to verizon able to go to settings, call settings /voicemail settings and type the above , having one click to dial voicemail box and auto enter the pass....
well it for sure don't wotk, i try every combo of pauses from one , to 1 hundred. nothing works, right on that setting screen is a button to buy "visual voice mail", this whole page is a verizon scam in my opinion
i finally got my phone to call the voicemail and auto enter my pass to get the one click voicemail,.............. but i had to add a contact to cantacts , name this contact "voicemail" put the following string *86,, your password#. then simply make a shortcut on home screen to this new so called "contact"
but i spent 20 minutes of my life running circles to the puppet master verizon, they want you to give up and pay 2.99 a month for the rest of your life for visual voice mail program they