Very disappointed!


New Member
Nov 2, 2009
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I can't get a Droid! Verizon told me I have to wait until February before I can get the 2 year discount, it's been too soon since my last upgrade. I don't think I have any other options, but I'm throwing it out there.

If I was able to find the Droid for less than retail price (a lot less LOL) would I be able to just activate it and replace my POS Omnia without any Verizon penalties? Would early termination come into play? I've been on this Verizon account since 2000, I wish I could get a little customer loyalty nudge or something!
There should be a 10 month upgrade price too, your annual upgrade. gives it to you for the same as a new account would get it. something seems odd/
Well, that still puts me at around 12/15. :) I guess I can wait a month, let Motorola iron out the camera issues and let developers have some time to get more 2.0 apps out there. I'm still really disappointed that I can't join in the Droid fun. Thanks for the info!
I got the 1 year pricing with a $100 mail in rebate because i was not eligable for an upgrade until 4/2010. total came to $260 with the rebate and they gave me a bunch of accessories for free for extending the 2 year contract. You cant do the 1 year pricing online you have to be at a local store.
yes, give them a sob story about your current phone, and they will give you the 1yr contract price (329.99 - $100 MIR = 229.99) ... not bad if you ask me.
Anyone in contract should be able to purchase it at full retail. Ringing it up at bestbuy the Price started 600 something before they applied discounts.
The local Verizon store is where I was told I can't get a new phone until Feb. I upgraded to this Omnia on 2/16/09, 9 months ago, give or take a few days. Does that mean:
- on 12/16 I can get the phone for the same price as a new account with 2 year commitment ($149) for any store? Or will the Verizon store be the only place I can do this early upgrade?
- right now I can get the phone for $329 with a $100 rebate, but only from the Verizon store? Or can I do that at BB/Sears/Wal-Mart too and get the instant rebate?

Sorry, Mathiastck, but there's no way I'm paying $600 for a phone, even if it is the Droid. What was your final cost after discounts?

Thanks everyone for the replies, it's given me hope that I won't have to wait another 3 months! :)
Ugh, another thread showing people getting it for less than 300 at Verizon stores. WTF is up with this? I paid $300 with new 2 year contract, got the $100 rebate coming in mail. My total price including cradle for car, battery charger, dock and packet of screen protectors was like $432. With $100 back, that's still like $332 right from Verizon. I am starting to feel really ripped off here. What is it you guys are doing at these stores that you got free accessories, and a much lower price?? Heck, I gave up iPhone to come to this and I am paying more for it.
Try selling your current phone on Ebay. You may be able to make enough to justify the Driod purchase. It's worth a shop to get the Droid.
Ugh, another thread showing people getting it for less than 300 at Verizon stores. WTF is up with this? I paid $300 with new 2 year contract, got the $100 rebate coming in mail. My total price including cradle for car, battery charger, dock and packet of screen protectors was like $432. With $100 back, that's still like $332 right from Verizon. I am starting to feel really ripped off here. What is it you guys are doing at these stores that you got free accessories, and a much lower price?? Heck, I gave up iPhone to come to this and I am paying more for it.

That sounds right. You paid about $90 for the accesoires, $200 (after rebate) for phone plus sales tax on it all and probably an activation fee.

You should see if you qualify for employee discount based on where you work. Theres a section online where you enter your work email address or you can call them ask.
I do qualify for employee discount and will be bringing in my work ID to reduce my monthly fees by 19%. However, they said they gave me 25% off on all items (except phone) and that is more than employee discount. But I've read many are getting all accessories free and paying $150 at verizon stores for the phone (maybe $250.. plus $100 rebate.. I am guessing). I'd love to get that $50 back plus free accessories. Seems really unfair that the same store..and the carrier themselves, is having such a difference from store to store in price. Nobody likes feeling cheated. I can live with 5% or so.. but $45 to $150 is a big deal. If it was $10 on one item or big.
Ugh, another thread showing people getting it for less than 300 at Verizon stores. WTF is up with this? I paid $300 with new 2 year contract, got the $100 rebate coming in mail. My total price including cradle for car, battery charger, dock and packet of screen protectors was like $432. With $100 back, that's still like $332 right from Verizon. I am starting to feel really ripped off here. What is it you guys are doing at these stores that you got free accessories, and a much lower price?? Heck, I gave up iPhone to come to this and I am paying more for it.

I think most people paid about that, especially in CA where they charge you sales tax on the retail value of the item, not what you're paying. Don't sweat it, people just like to brag.
my upgrade isnt until april but im able to get one at the one year price for 367 then the 100 dollar rebate plus my corporate discount takes it to 229.

ill be ordering it this weekend.
I do qualify for employee discount and will be bringing in my work ID to reduce my monthly fees by 19%. However, they said they gave me 25% off on all items (except phone) and that is more than employee discount. But I've read many are getting all accessories free and paying $150 at verizon stores for the phone (maybe $250.. plus $100 rebate.. I am guessing). I'd love to get that $50 back plus free accessories. Seems really unfair that the same store..and the carrier themselves, is having such a difference from store to store in price. Nobody likes feeling cheated. I can live with 5% or so.. but $45 to $150 is a big deal. If it was $10 on one item or big.

Current Verizon customers who are due for their New Every 2 get a credit ranging from $50-100 for staying with Verizon. That means they can possibly walk away with a Droid for $99 and tax (299-100 MIR-100 NE2) or for $149, which is what I'm aiming for and why I'm waiting until my NE2 is up in December.