Silver Member
Well I got done talking to a vzw rep but he pretty much laid out in front of me a 4 yr vzw plan to get rid of unlimited data he stated vzw will eliminate all unlimited data plans within 4 yrs stating that vzw believes tiered data is the new norm an better for the people they are going to try an slowly transition it ie. Share everything plans or forcible removal via new contracts by the end of 2016 we all saw how they tried to be sneaky an trick us into leaving our unlimited data they now have conclude to put away the carrot an bring out the stick who plans to stay with vzw now? He also stated that in 1-2 yrs when all 3g devices have been changed to 4g they are going to implement throttling after 5 gigs of data usage also this was from a vzw rep so take it for a grain of salt this has not been confirmed but sounds just like what vzw would do
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