A Day In The Life Of A Verizon Rep
Just remember, A Verizon rep is just a normal person dressed up for work, they could either be stupid or really intelligent just like any person. They are not a god of cellphone information or masters of the art of Android, just a person paid to sell phones and service customer's billing or technical issues.
We see some of the most unintelligible people on a day to day basis and have to usually fight with them on incorrect information that they got from their cousin's friend's sister's bestfriend's diet coach that told them that we would give them 5 free Droids, even though they have one line of service, just because Verizon is in the market of giving away phones. Then, when we correct them, they say they are going to At&t to get the iPhone because they say they have been a loyal customer and pay a outrageous bill even though they only been with us 8 months and their bill averages about $55 a month.(Cant remember when my cellphone bill was that low nor your guys)
Even at that, that's our easy customers, try dealing with the customer's that thought the Kin was the Holy Grail of phones, those were some kooky customers because they thought the advertisements were awesome.
The matter of fact to my point, you guys are the true experts and OCD of the Android phones not sells reps. If you need quality answers, dont bother the weary, soul-broken Verizon rep, ask someone here for Android, Crackberry for Blackberries or XDA for WinMo phones, ??? for Symbian phones.(Who cares about those phones anyways)