Verizon Plans to Discontinue 1-year Contracts Effective April 17

GREED is correct. Thats definitely the answer. They know they have us all by the ankles.

So with gas sky rocketing again and Ill be damn sure food will go up again.. they pull this stuff..

I mean can someone just give us middle class people a break already?????????????????????????????????? I mean seriously its just getting out of hand. We'll all be broke before you know it. Dang verizon
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So they take away annual upgrades, then NE2, and now one year contracts......I can only imagine what is next.
Are you serious!! This is exactly what I was afraid of, I knew since ATT just bumped the 1 year surcharge to $150, Verizon would do something too, and look what happened. But yeah, hopefully this signifies the Bionic release soon.

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums
Makes me really want to pick up a Thunderbolt now so I can get the next great thing in ten months. Sounds like it might be the last time to do this. Verizon is really pissing me off.


Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
Just renew on a month-to-month. All the plans have that option. Looks like we can actually use it to our advantage by not being in a contract at all.
Boy Sprint should really step up and improve their network. Then offer everything these other two idiots are taking away. They could absolutely blow up with customers that flee the two now evil empires!
Hopefully them ending 1 years on the 17th means the Bionic will be released shortly after(21st would be awesome). That would be quite the silver lining in Verizon's dark cloud

Was thinking the same thing... This policy shift is literally just before the rumored bionic release, which is the first "Real" current technology, 4g enabled flagship phone for the VZW network.

My theory is twofold. First, that these new generation phones are improving so quickly (encouraging faster phone turnover, and a surplus of "like new" products on ebay, etc) that they are making 1year contracts the norm, rather than the exception...when 1 year contracts are probably already less profitable. Secondly, I think the new generation phones are costing more to build, making them harder to subsidize at the same price points. The combination of the two spurred this change.

This would mean the TBolt being the "old model" running on 4g, gets both unlimited data and a 1 year contract to help it sell, but still let TB users jump ship to the "whatever core" phones that come out next year. The bionic is introduced as the power user phone, still snagging unlimited 4g, but missing the 1yr contract since it costs more to build/subsidize. The casual user phone gets launched in the summer, with the newest Iphone, running on 4g... conveniently just AFTER VZW moves to data capped 4g plans (both are due in summer), because hell if Big red wants the 10,000,0000 or w/e Iphone users streaming netflix all day on their network. This way, they've got their early upgrades covered with the tbolt/short contract. They've got their power users covered with Bionic/unlimited data. And they've got all the iphone people, who are typically less likely to be power users, but still going to buy an Iphone anyway, NOT chewing terabytes of data off the network constantly.
I only do 1 year contracts. Unless they want to warranty the phones for 2 years, screw them! I'll go to boost mobile or cricket, or even sprint...anywhere that I'm not locked in for more than a year. Does AT&T do 1 year contracts? My contract is up in july, if this stands true I'm out...bye bye verizon. I've been a customer since they were bell atlantic in 1997 or so? lol.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using DroidForums App
I only do 1 year contracts. Unless they want to warranty the phones for 2 years, screw them! I'll go to boost mobile or cricket, or even sprint...anywhere that I'm not locked in for more than a year. Does AT&T do 1 year contracts? My contract is up in july, if this stands true I'm out...bye bye verizon. I've been a customer since they were bell atlantic in 1997 or so? lol.

Sent from my SCH-I500 using DroidForums App

I'm with you jimmerz!!! I was planning on leaving Verizon when my contracts up because of all the crap they're pulling! This just definitely solidifies that!

Verizon, I've been a loyal customer for 10 years! Now you're getting too cocky for your own good! I'm paying way too much for my service and other carriers are offering much better deals and your only going higher in price! Bye!

Just my opinion......but I'm sure I'm not alone!

Sent from my Droid using DroidForums
Just renew on a month-to-month. All the plans have that option. Looks like we can actually use it to our advantage by not being in a contract at all.

As long as you don't plan on upgrading your phone for a while this is fine. But if you want or need to upgrade, spending $500 - $600 on the latest and greatest phone just to avoid signing a contract isn't that appealing either.

Sent from my DROIDX using DroidForums
I've been with Verizon for probably 10 years and I never even knew there was a 1 year contract up until 2009. It's always been 2 year contracts so this doesn't bother me at all. I'm not surprised. Verizon is definitely cutting their costs and this is just another way of doing it.
Meh. Doesnt phase me much considering ive gotten 2 years all my life. If you want a new phone really bad, theres option of asking one for a birthday, holiday, anniversary, whenever gifts are exchanged. Tbh, i had no clue verizon offered 1 year contracts. D:

Sent from my ADR6300 using DroidForums
And just when I was going to do the 1 year when I upgrade to the tbolt, now once again I have to think about whether to maybe beat the deadline for 1 year, run out my contract, or with how I'm feeling about evil red lately pay the early term fee to get away from them.