Here we go, folks! The sign-up page for the Verizon Galaxy Nexus by Samsung is now up and ready for… signage. All you have to do is make sure you’re at least 13 years of age, enter you email address and you’ll be one of the first to receive information regarding the Galaxy Nexus on Verizon.

And thanks to our member StupidGenius for pointing this out, I’ve included a shot of the banner ad that displays when you search for a Samsung phone on Verizon Wireless. May I draw your attention to the “Exclusively from Verizon” part. How does that sit with you guys?
Either way, the Samsung Galaxy Nexus should be arriving any day now! You guys hyped?
Be sure to visit our sister site dedicated to the Nexus at Galaxy Nexus Forum - Samsung Galaxy Nexus Community

Be sure to visit our sister site dedicated to the Nexus at Galaxy Nexus Forum - Samsung Galaxy Nexus Community
Originally posted by Arkbird.
Thanks for the tip Conqsoft!
Galaxy Nexus by Samsung