

Mar 25, 2011
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
I'm eligible for an upgrade and trying to decide between the Razr Maxx and the Samsung Galaxy Nexus. Price is no concern but rooting and ROMs definitely are a must. I'm coming from a Droid 2/Droid X background, and I believe the Razr might help me stay in my comfort zone with rooting and whatnot. Any opinions out there on either phone?


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If you are a crack flasher, this probably isn't your best platform. But there are roms, and I'm sure 2nd init will be available soon. One complaint I hear consistently about GNex roms is that they are all the same.

From a software standpoint, stock is actually pretty solid. Aside from some menu options, there is really nothing I miss about custom roms, and plenty of extras I dig, such as Motocast, Smartactions, and the speedometer in the cardock nav. (it's the little things)

From a hardware standpoint, where to begin? SD slot is huge. Google wants to pimp their upcoming cloud storage, so many ICS phones have no SD slot. I'm not cool with that. Gorilla glass is the next HUGE win. I went from OG to X, to Bolt. OG and X still have pristine screens. Bolt is beat to hell, riding in the same pockets for a shorter timeframe. Samsung is no sturdier than HTC. And a pleasant surprise was that their "nano-coating" is not just water resistant, it's very fingerprint resistant. (again with the little things) While the battery is non-removable, it's massive. I got over 9 hours streaming Tune-in on LTE through bluetooth, and still had 40%. On CDMA, the phone will outlast me, period. Picture camping for the weekend, and not worrying about your battery the whole time. Speaking of batteries, the cover on the GN is notoriously flimsy.

All in all, the Maxx is extremely solid in every single category, aside from bootloader. But coming from an X, you know we can work around Motos lockdown philosophy. And judging from the constant sell-out status of the Maxx, combined with only so much you can do with vanilla ICS, I have a feeling the devs will be doing work on this platform.
To me, unless you want a huge battery(which is definitely nice), go with the Rezound or Nexus. But I'm a bit biasex because there are a few reasons why I don't want and don't like the RAZR.

The reason I don't want it is mainly because I came from the Droid 3 so the only real upgrade for me would have been 4g considering the OS is almost exactly the same between the two.

The reason I don't like it are the phone is just too wide for me. This is a personal opinion but it just feels horrible to hold. The MAXX is a little better due to the extra bulk, but it's still just too bad for me. It just feels too big and awkward overall. The other reason is Moto releasing the time frame ICS coming out.. you may be getting ICS when other phones have had Android 5.0 for a good while already. Even if the Nexus doesn't get that pushed right away, devs will be able to port it onto the Nexus fairly easily with no problems and without having to find many work arounds.

Also no removable battery. When I bought my Nexus, even a Verizon rep helping another customer looking at the RAZR said, "well what happens if by chance your battery does go bad?".

The MAXX is built better though hardware wise. I have no problems with the Nexus hardware, but its not as good.. but not bad.

Dev support is just better. A lot of the roms out now are mainly built off stock so there isn't a whole lot difference between a lot of them yet unless you use AOKP(which I'm on and is amazing) which has a lot of customization options to it. And then we have A LOT of themes. So having roms that don't stand out much yet is non issue. And just wait till we get a real version of Cm9 and MIUI due to our phone being unlocked. :). The RAZR gonna have dev support, but nothing like the Nexus.

The only problem I have with the nexus is the phone is a bit slippery.. and while I've never ran out of memory before(I still have a little over 15gigs left), the no sdcard is a little freaky. Its always an nice option to have.. but I should be good.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using DroidForums
If you care about software pick nexus. If you care about hardware pick maxx. I have both and each has it's pros and cons.
BOGO this weekend at VZW website and Call Customer support.

we bought two Maxx yesterday $268 out the door!
I have both phones and to be honest, I prefer my Maxx but they are both great phones.

The gNex has a plethra of ROMs to choose from and flash while the development on the Razr / Maxx is limited but we are slowly gaining some headway (DroidTh3ory just ported Axiom from the gNex)...battery life on the Maxx is great out of the box (no need to flash anything to make it better) but the gNex has a nice screen...it is a toss up and always comes down to what will work for you!

If you haven't, get some hands-on time with both and good luck on the decision.
I just sold my nexus for a maxx. Two horrible things about the nexus, battery life and signal. I tried tons of tweaks, roms, radios, ect. My maxx holds 4g solid and battery is awesome. I miss ICS but don't miss the battery and signal

Sent from my Xoom using Tapatalk
Tried upgarding my wife and my phones today and we were told since one line has an available upgrade date of 2.28.2012 we couldn't. What can we do to upgrade early and take advantage of the current Droid Maxx BOGO offer? Thanks!
Tried upgarding my wife and my phones today and we were told since one line has an available upgrade date of 2.28.2012 we couldn't. What can we do to upgrade early and take advantage of the current Droid Maxx BOGO offer? Thanks!

you need two lines available or really close to available,
what are the upgrade dates on both of your lines???
I've had no issues with my nexus. Except the little bit of landscape keyboard lag. Love how I can make it through two days and still be on my phone all the time. way better than my old fascinate Its a great phone. I'd recommend it.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus