Unable to install GAPPS

unfortunately that didn't resolve the issue. i'm going to assume you want me to do the full sbf next. here i go.
yeah that didn't work either. if it's not the recovery and it's not the zips, it has to be my phone. seeing as there is one other person i know of in the same predicament, it's not a completely isolated incident.

is there an easy way to combine the individual zips and see if it will work successfully when done at the same time? if not, i'm open to any other suggestions. otherwise i'll just stay put till i upgrade the phone down the road i guess.
yeah i've tried that one before everything went haywire. it wasn't as smooth from what i can tell. i was hoping to just go back to cyan 6.1.2 since it worked the way i wanted. but it's ok. i've grown accustomed to project elites 4.2 rom. more than anything i'm frustrated that i can't figure out how my phone got in such a state. you would think the sbf would clear all problems if the phone wasn't bricked. oh well.

thanks for your help. it's greatly appreciated.
thanks teddy, the market finally showed up. but it opened all kinds of other problems. ie. menu, power, and home buttons not working like they should. there were a couple weird pop-ups prior to the setup screen. i think, i'll just stay where i am for now.
Well, I sure wish I had read this whole thread tonight, but as far as the CM6.1.2 w/gapps file I made for you, if you want to try again, I found out where I probably made a big mistake, and that _might_ have caused your problems. It was in the fact that all CM roms use a script called backuptool.sh contained in the rom in /system/bin that is called in the beginning of the updater-script file to backup the gapps, and then called again near the end to restore said gapps. So if you wish, go ahead and download it again and try it again as linked above since I have now removed those commands in updater-script and the backuptool.sh file from /system/bin.

good luck