So yesterday my phone was at 10% battery when it froze. I did the " battery pull " reset for it but afterwards it did not power on for nearly an hour. Finally I was able to get my phone to turn on but now it will not work with wall chargers. I can only charge my phone with a CPU using a USB cable. I have tried using my original moto charger as well as my husband's ( we have the same phone, about 1 month apart ), a newer model of razr charger (friend's), and an HTC charger all with different cables but same result, will not charge from wall. I did a factory reset and it now recognizes the charger ( lightning bolt on battery icon ) but the % does not increase after leaving it connected overnight. I'm not sure what else to try and charging from a CPU is okay for now but there aren't always CPUs when I need a charger. Any other ideas ? :blink: