Turned down the D2


Mar 23, 2010
Reaction score
Went by the Verizon store today just to see if they had the D2 for my wife. Well they had 8! My wife thought I was looking for myself and said I could get it!!

BUT I turned it down, my rooted D1 is perfect for now. I'm still waiting for the Droid unicorn (the fabled 2gig)!

Wasn't a fan of the Blur BTW, and it was snappy but so is my overclocked Droid.
Good choice.. it's nothing but a Droid 1 with a better processor, and an "improved keyboard" that's just gonna have the plastic raising off it in a couple months of use, just like its predecessor.
Good choice.. it's nothing but a Droid 1 with a better processor, and an "improved keyboard" that's just gonna have the plastic raising off it in a couple months of use, just like its predecessor.

"improved" is right. It wasn't much better if any, but then again I never had problems using the D1's.
Good choice.. it's nothing but a Droid 1 with a better processor, and an "improved keyboard" that's just gonna have the plastic raising off it in a couple months of use, just like its predecessor.

"improved" is right. It wasn't much better if any, but then again I never had problems using the D1's.
The only problem I have with the D1's keyboard is that the plastic on top of the keys, like I said, is raising up off the keys and starting to peel upwards at the bottom of the keyboard. This is the second Droid I've had that does this. The keyboard used to be flat as hell, and I could type lightning fast, but now the plastic has contoured around the key buttons and raised up so it makes me make mistakes a lot and just frustrates the hell out of me.
I really don't understand the release of the Droid 2 when it's not really much of a step up at all, especially after the Droid X with it's HDMI and larger screen. Beveled edges and a new keyboard, and a processor. Pffft.
I strongly agree, the D2 is really what the original phone should of been, but I'm very happy with the original Droid nonetheless, after seeing them both, 2 and the X, and comparing them to my fully customized Droid, launcher pro plus Widgets and nextheme with how stable it is, I have no problem on holding out for something better
Well I'm glad I'm not considered crazy turning down the D2.

The D2 definitely has it's place in the Droid family, but it does not seem to be a good successor for the D1. Playing with it, it would be a good phone for someone new to Android phones, and I think it will eventually hook a few non-android users.

@Ataranine, Sorry to hear the bad luck with the Key pad. Luckily mine has been flawless and I use it all the time.
Interestingly I never use the Slider, ever, and that's why I got the Moto Droid. My old phone was a Samsung SCHi760, slider, full QWERTY, loved it.

Moved to the Droid and given the two on screen keyboards I never open the slider unless I'm cleaning it.

*No longer Tactile Dependent