I just recently got in to the rooting side of things, and now my Bionic is unusable. I rooted it a couple weeks ago, but did not change the ROM. I loved it, but like anyone else, I wanted more. So I found a custom ROM file, on here actually, that I liked the look of, and tried to install it. I rebooted into recovery, wiped it, tried to load the new ROM from the SD card. I thought everything went well, until it would not completely boot up. It stayed on the first screen with the Motorola dual core logo for quite some time and would not go any further. I ended up removing the battery and trying to get it to boot up again, but to no avail. I have since tried to use several different methods to unroot the device and restore to factory software and settings, but nothing has worked. I've tried Pete's Motorola Root tools, R3l3AS3DRoot, and RSDLite, and haven't gotten anything but failed attempts and error messages. Does anyone have any idea as to what I can do to get this thing back? Or should I just consider it a lost cause. HELP PLEASE!?!