Traveling, airplane, wifi and more


New Member
Jul 25, 2010
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Okay, so I do know I can put my phone on airplane mode to not receive any calls, text or data updates. I also know I can then turn on the wifi if I happen to come across some free Wifi while I am traveling, still keeping it in airplane mode.

Here is my question... I would like to only use the phone to text/call and turn off the data updates. So, when I turn off the airplane mode, I can do a few texts and then turn it back off without all the updates.

Mobile networks, should I put that on HOME ONLY??? I am lost here. I have a Droid X not rooted.

Are the airlines cool with airplane mode? I've got a 5hr flight next week and figured I'd listen to the Droid in stead of ipod. I'm worried that the stew would not trust that the radio is off.
All phones or anything electronic must be turned off once the cabin door is closed and remain off until notified by the cabin crew. Generally speaking this is for any ground or air operation below 10,000 feet. This means OFF, not airplane mode. Once notified it can be turned on but must remain in airplane mode until notified by the cabin crew. Which once again means OFF, again this is generally below 10,000 feet and clearing the runway upon arrival.
So are you saying that it should not be a problem? Everything else aside, I'm just making sure I can leave the ipod at home and not confuse anyone (above 10,000). :)
So are you saying that it should not be a problem? Everything else aside, I'm just making sure I can leave the ipod at home and not confuse anyone (above 10,000). :)

I take 4-6 flights every week. I use my Droid on nearly every flight to listen to music and as an eBook Reader. I have never been questions.

In fact, I began using my old Treo 700 in this manner the first week in came out, so I have been doing this for 5+ years and I have never been questioned.

During that time, I have taken flights on the following carriers:
USAirways/American West
Air Alaska

Good Luck,