tired of this phone. losing my mind

Jun 19, 2010
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Actually threw it in the car. Luckly not to hard. When playing music in car with 3.5mm jack, theres crackle every now and then.. What doesn't help the situation is the Bluetooth issue. Sounds like a skipping CD. Now I have a dead pixal not a problem but seriously.. 300 for a phone and its starting to suck.

I didn't buy any thing from best buy but any chance I can exchange it for a diff one without paying a charge?
Just take it to a Verizon store and they can replace it for you. A dead pixel is probably good reason for replacing a phone under warranty.

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Actually threw it in the car. Luckly not to hard. When playing music in car with 3.5mm jack, theres crackle every now and then.. What doesn't help the situation is the Bluetooth issue. Sounds like a skipping CD. Now I have a dead pixal not a problem but seriously.. 300 for a phone and its starting to suck.

I didn't buy any thing from best buy but any chance I can exchange it for a diff one without paying a charge?

For the stuck pixel, download and install Pixel Fixer and/or Dead Pixel Detect and Fix. Both have reports of success in resolving stuck pixels. There is no guarantee, but the later works the entire screen. Pixel Fixer is an old app and doesn't cover the entire screen but it may also work fine depending on where your stuck pixel is actually located on the screen. You can move the tool around the screen to the spot that has a problem.

It actually fixed the issues for this member... Go to this thread and read. http://www.droidforums.net/forum/dr...l-usb-cable-issues-razr-maxx.html#post2043548

The static its only at the moment with Pandora. Played music through aux from stock player and everything sounded fine at the time. But I can't choose Pandora now? Can't Bluetooth, can't Pandora, email doesn't sync right with Yahoo.. I love everything on the outside if this phone, its the internals driving me crazy
Actually threw it in the car. Luckly not to hard. When playing music in car with 3.5mm jack, theres crackle every now and then.. What doesn't help the situation is the Bluetooth issue. Sounds like a skipping CD. Now I have a dead pixal not a problem but seriously.. 300 for a phone and its starting to suck.

I didn't buy any thing from best buy but any chance I can exchange it for a diff one without paying a charge?

waaaahhhhhh. maybe stop throwing it?
waaaahhhhhh. maybe stop throwing it?
+1 if you want best buy to take the heat for your stupidity give me twenty bucks...I mean you have zero to do with any problems I may or may not have I want you to pay me for the....I mean I never buy anything from you ever, but.....people like you abusing merchants are the exact reason that we end up with hard nosed inflexible return policies and the like....maybe they'll give you some ethics and a clue for no charge

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Maybe I missed something... is the OP asking if he can exchange a Razr he got elsewhere at a Best Buy?
Well then the obvious answer is no... Best Buy will let you trade it in for a Best Buy gift card, but I don't really understand why you would want to do that when you bought it from (assuming anyway based on the price) a legit outfit.
I heard a crackle too when driving in car and listening to audio on razr maxx. I live in an area with no 4G and had not heard crackle/interference before. I just drove from Florida to the North East and 4G came off and on along the way...

When 4G is on, I hear crackle. With 3G only, I hear no crackle. The crackle sound to me is like interference, real similar to sound an ungrounded moniter or other hardware can introduce into near by audio. I've heard cell phones and other electronics effect audio with same type of interference sound. I work with audio for a living.

I think it's the 4G... Any body else wanna give a test to confirm if I'm right?

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If you guys with the crackling and screeching problem are using pandora i get it all the time hence i stopped using it. Stock player is fine

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
anytime I've ever heard that type of sound it was the result of a bad connection . clean the cable ends and put alcohol on a pipe cleaner and do the same for the socket.

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