thunderbolt speeds on lte AMAZINGLY FAST!!!


Jul 27, 2010
Reaction score
so i was at the verizon store earlier and checked out the thunderbolt and lte is faster than my home internet. btw talking and surfing works perferct was able to watch a flash video while on phone.
Wow! Holy crap I didn't expect realistic speeds that were that fast. The pricing tier blows for 4g data at the moment though :(

That upload is insane...
I have 15/5 speed with my FIOS.
Just got 2.5/.8 on my 3G *sigh*

sent from my phone, just sayin
They must have a tower nearby, typical 4G performance will be 3-6Mb DL with a peaks of 10Mb varying. :)
They must have a tower nearby, typical 4G performance will be 3-6Mb DL with a peaks of 10Mb varying. :)

Ive got a Vzw 4G modem, even with only 2 bars, 1/2 signal I get 13.2 mb down and 2.25 up
I've been running around LA ... and doing speed tests everywhere I go.

I'm consistently getting 10-13MB down, and 20MB up.

Lowest was around 6MB down / 9MB up, and highest was 25MB/25MB.

Its crazy. I love it. And its not just I downloaded a few large files and they FLY.
I have a question about Verizon 4G vs Sprint 4G. If I get 1 bar of 4G in my home with a Sprint Evo 4G would I get exactly the same signal strength with the Thunderbolt 4G? Do they work off identical towers or could the Thunderbolt possibly get a stronger 4G signal from inside my house?
If you read the review from Engadget, they say the speed test results are not accurate:

[Update: We've been told by Ookla that the Thunderbolt's massive send buffer is responsible for the erroneously high uplink speeds -- they've got a fix in the works and it'll be available as an update to the app soon.]

HTC Thunderbolt review -- Engadget
I'm extremely impressed with how fast stuff downloads from the market. I'm going to miss 4 g when I'm traveling!

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums App
Sprint with WiMax is using a higer frequency than Verizon's LTE. The lower frequencies penetrate structures better. Ultimately your distance from each carrier's tower will be a factor but if the distances are the same the building penetration by LTE should be better.
Sprint with WiMax is using a higer frequency than Verizon's LTE. The lower frequencies penetrate structures better. Ultimately your distance from each carrier's tower will be a factor but if the distances are the same the building penetration by LTE should be better.

Good info thank you very much. In my case it probably will be better then because as soon as I step outside my house I get 4 bars of 4G inside a room right next to the window only 1 and my speed goes from 5-6 MBPS to 1MBPS or less inside the house vs outside. This really makes a big difference for me does Verizon allow you to test drive the Thunderbolt and if you don't like it you can return it? This would be a dealbreaker for me because I need to tether or use the wifi hotspot inside my house for certain tasks.
If you read the review from Engadget, they say the speed test results are not accurate:

[Update: We've been told by Ookla that the Thunderbolt's massive send buffer is responsible for the erroneously high uplink speeds -- they've got a fix in the works and it'll be available as an update to the app soon.]

HTC Thunderbolt review -- Engadget
i took a video to test that. i made a bs video that was like 60 something mbs and uploaded it to mediafire and it took about 3 or 4 seconds. amazing.