Thunderbolt last me only 6 hours!!

I suggest you post your battery questions in the battery forum

sent from my HTC Thunderbolt using droid forums app

I also recommend placing a shortcut on your homescreen for settings/Running services. If you want to see what's running and close apps that may not be needed, I.E. google maps, you can force stop them from there without causing the problems of a task killer.


Sent from my Droid running whatever ROM and Kernel I chose to use today...

I like that idea. Thanks.

How do you get the running services on your home screen? Do you gotta buy an app or is there something already on the phone?

Long press on homescreen and select shortcut /setting /running services. It's the same as going to menu/settings/Applications / Manage Applications then selecting the running services tab.

Sent from my Droid running whatever ROM and Kernel I chose to use today...
I'm not using any apps to kill tasks or make the battery better, idk I don't trust apps that tell you they will make the battery better.

Just changed all my sync settings, brightness, blockbuster, and the rest of the advice in the forums and my phone if used lightly can last 30+ hours

What did you change on your sync settings and the blockbuster app?
I'm sorry, assuming you must be talking to the guy who started this thread..Thunderbolt last me only 6 hours!! .I was just sharing and then asking about task kill more than batteries here, I have been addressing battery stuff on that thread.
I'm sorry, assuming you must be talking to the guy who started this thread..Thunderbolt last me only 6 hours!! .I was just sharing and then asking about task kill more than batteries here, I have been addressing battery stuff on that thread.

It's okay, but the topic does still fall under the battery usage issue, that was why I shifted it over to the battery threads. It helps to keep everything consolidated there.
Day 1 with the big 2750 extended, I've gone from 7am until 5:30pm with moderate use and she's still sitting at 50%. I'm very impressed with this battery so far.
No matter what I do either using my phone or just having it idle it dies in 6 hours. Any suggestions?
You must have a lemon then cause letting mine sit over night off the charger for 8. Hours it loses about 8% of battery.

Sent from my ADR6400L using DroidForums App

I also recommend placing a shortcut on your homescreen for settings/Running services. If you want to see what's running and close apps that may not be needed, I.E. google maps, you can force stop them from there without causing the problems of a task killer.


Sent from my Droid running whatever ROM and Kernel I chose to use today...

I like that idea. Thanks.

No problem...

Sent from my Droid running whatever ROM and Kernel I chose to use today...
4.5 stink'n hours and it went to 15%. No playing, it was a work day. A few short phone calls, and looked at a couple of emails. VERY normal use I would think...4.5 hrs.

I follower some tips from this thread, tomorrow's a new day.

I think the frigg'n battery's just too small for what this phone is doing...
4.5 stink'n hours and it went to 15%. No playing, it was a work day. A few short phone calls, and looked at a couple of emails. VERY normal use I would think...4.5 hrs.

I follower some tips from this thread, tomorrow's a new day.

I think the frigg'n battery's just too small for what this phone is doing...

Remove any task killers. I did on mine and got at least a couple more hours. But I was having same problem. B At work so Minimal use n dies 5-6 hours.
Spare parts or phone info in the market both free check battery history if running is way higher then screen on check partial wake and it will say what is consuming all that battery. Don't know if its mentioned but hope it helps someone.

Sent from my ADR6400L using Tapatalk