There goes my data!


New Member
Mar 13, 2012
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My wife and I just bought new Droids. She is burning through her data for the month. We need help! any suggestions? what uses the most data?
She is always on Twitter, is that the problem?
Twitter shouldn't use that much apps that stream music and video such as pandora and netflix will use alot

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My wife and I just bought new Droids. She is burning through her data for the month. We need help! any suggestions? what uses the most data?
She is always on Twitter, is that the problem?

Anything that constantly updates such as twitter, Facebook, news, weather, email, etc., can do what you're experiencing. Also the obvious things like watching streaming videos, listening to streaming audio, downloading large files, etc., can such up huge amounts of data quickly.

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Browsing the web constantly...try to switch over to wifi when you are in range, all of the above as well. Try setting the data fetch settings to a lower rate.

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