It seems like there a quiet a few people here in the same boat as me: Droid 1 on it's final leg and 1 month +/- their upgrade. This has got me pondering a couple of things...
It wouldn't be too hard for Verizon to cull out "upgrade dates" and see when the most amount of people will be most likely to upgrade/re-up their contract or escape to another carrier... It seems like it would make sense for them to release handful of "strong upgrades" centered around 2 years after the droid 1's release. Maybe this is common knowledge, but I just put 2 and 2 together and had the light bulb flick on and figured I should share.
Now more to the point of this forum and my question: There are a lot of people whose OG droid has "one foot in the grave" or is "on it's last leg" (mine would be a goner if I hadn't replaced my touch screen a couple months ago). What I'm not seeing is anyone with any other branded devices in the same situation. My guess is that it's because the Droid 1 is the only 2 year old android on the market and the rest haven't hit their designed integrated 2 year obsolescence feature.
One of the deciding factors in which phone I end up upgrading to is longevity (at least in terms of brand reputation) and that really hasn't been discussed here. Right now I do not have confidence that I will be able to "finish strong" in another two years if I go with another Moto device but will be left to limp across the finish line again.
Considering current phones on the market, do you think the Bionic or one of the other upcoming big players will fair better in those critical final 3-6 months of a two year contract?
It wouldn't be too hard for Verizon to cull out "upgrade dates" and see when the most amount of people will be most likely to upgrade/re-up their contract or escape to another carrier... It seems like it would make sense for them to release handful of "strong upgrades" centered around 2 years after the droid 1's release. Maybe this is common knowledge, but I just put 2 and 2 together and had the light bulb flick on and figured I should share.
Now more to the point of this forum and my question: There are a lot of people whose OG droid has "one foot in the grave" or is "on it's last leg" (mine would be a goner if I hadn't replaced my touch screen a couple months ago). What I'm not seeing is anyone with any other branded devices in the same situation. My guess is that it's because the Droid 1 is the only 2 year old android on the market and the rest haven't hit their designed integrated 2 year obsolescence feature.
One of the deciding factors in which phone I end up upgrading to is longevity (at least in terms of brand reputation) and that really hasn't been discussed here. Right now I do not have confidence that I will be able to "finish strong" in another two years if I go with another Moto device but will be left to limp across the finish line again.
Considering current phones on the market, do you think the Bionic or one of the other upcoming big players will fair better in those critical final 3-6 months of a two year contract?