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The Infamous: Apple vs Android

Android or iPhone?

  • Android

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  • iPhone

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  • This war is stupid

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Some of you may have noticed by now that on Twitter one of the big Trending Topics right now is "Apple vs Android". Well, I was looking through the trends and unsurprisingly to me, there was a lot of bias towards Android from i*hone users and even vice-versa. I felt like making a few tweets of my own to try and express my thoughts but.. there's one problem, you only have 140 characters to do so. Not wanting to flood peoples Timeline with my "rant" or opinion on the subject, I decided to make a topic here.

Now, this isn't going to be a rant, and I will give my opinion on the subject as soon is this thread get's "poppin'" a little bit.

Here's what this thread is for; Comment your reasons as to why or why not you don't like Android versus the i*hone or of course the opposite way, too. And please, try to keep this as unbiased as possible. Let's not completely hate on the competition just because you choose Android over the i*hone, or if your a visitor, because you just the i*hone or other Apple products over anything that has to do with Android or something not Apple. I'm all for Android, but I give credit where credit is due and there are some aspects of the i*hone that truly are good. However, there's just not enough to sway me to get an iDevice over Android.

Have fun with this and remember this is opinionated and do not be rude to other members of this forum if they say something you don't agree with. Debating over a subject is one thing, arguing and bashing other members for their thoughts is another and not acceptable.

Follow me on Twitter for more Android stuff - @BlackBlizzNerd
I like them both... :biggrin: (and wp7!!)

And to add to what Ben said, if this gets even remotely disrespectful or remotely out of hand, it'll be closed. So check yourself before you wreck yourself... :tongue:
I'm going to choose Android because I am still in love with all the Modding that its capable of. However I will admit the IPhone is an absolute balling phone. Great build quality and the app quality is amazing. And that's is where the bad part of Android is. The apps in Android and the apps of apple are just completely different beast. Its quantity for android yet quality for apple.

Yet the main reason I choose Android is the ability to mod.

I like them both, honestly. But, I don't think I will ever, EVER, get an iPhone. I absolutely LOVE the Android platform and will choose it everytime for a phone. I can't say my opinion on tablets because I have neither an opinion nore a tablet of any kind. I do have a 3rd gen iPod Touch, but if Google or any other manufacturer or developer released an Android based mp3 and video player, I will be all over it. I'm more for Android than I am Apple, even though I like both. I don't agree with Apple's decisions to be a huge patent troll, but I'm not going to get into a sensless argument because there are threads for that. :D I love how Android allows for major customization and personalization even without root. iDevices don't really allow for that without jailbreaking, and even then it's limited. Sooo, that's my opinion. :)

Sent from my 3rd reincarnation of the ever-so-lovable Droid
I like them both... :biggrin: (and wp7!!)

And to add to what Ben said, if this gets even remotely disrespectful or remotely out of hand, it'll be closed. So check yourself before you wreck yourself... :tongue:

I agree, the Lumia 900 is really shmexy, and I'm actually a big Apple fan. Iove iMac's especially. I choose Android though because custom ROM's are awesome, and I'm a fan of open source. (I run linux on my laptop).

Sent from my ADR6425LVW using DroidForums
I had an iphone 3gs for a long time and it was a pretty awesome phone, but ios seems to be phone first, everything else second, which isn't how people use their phones anymore. There was too much of an intentional disconnect between myself and the phone, created by the os. I kept having these ideas about what I wanted to do with my phone: stream a video from a networked samba share, for example. Easy as pie on any computer, simple on androids built in file browser, but howtf to do that on an iphone? It's all too itunes-centric. No freedom. Easy things are obvious but complicated things are impossible.

My bionic is a mobile computer first, and a phone second, which is how it should be. Some easy things may not be as intuitive as on ios, but are still easy, but complicated things are easy, too.

Only thing I can think of that I miss from my iphone is gpu accelerated everything. Webpages, UIs, everything display related was smooth as butter all the time, and I lose sleep thinking about the android engineers deciding to not implement it before ICS. That and chrome beta are the only two reasons I want ICS.

Other than that, my bionic is at least as big of a step up from my iphone as my iphone was from my old rotary telephone.

Sent from my DROID BIONIC using DroidForums
Apple has quality products and stands behind them. They even have good support. They have the best customer satisfaction. In my opinion they are over priced. If you just want a cool smartphone that works...get an iphone...if you want a bigger screen and more options...you have to go android. I just cannot stand the 3.5" screen...it seems tiny...but the quality of the picture is great. Rezound and nexus have similar screens. Where android needs some work is quality products the manufacturer stands behind with good customer support. Android has a bigger market share due to many models that appeal to different people, some are very inexpensive. Android fan here, I like the freedom to root, mod, run tons of apps, better processors, memory, and bigger screens. I also forgot 1 factor ...status symbol...if you own an iPhone you are obviously doing well. Some of this has changed but my friend got the iPhone 4s and I was like damn he must be doing well. I will just go sit in corner with my RAZR and wait for ice cream sandwich to arrive. Hopefully that will happen before I upgrade my phone. Ha ha!

Sent from my DROID RAZR using DroidForums
Obviously its going to be biased. This is an Android forum. But you can still have some respect for the companies in question.

Android for its constant push for better hardware and Apple for its direct integration of hardware and software.

Work is needed in both for sure.

Android needs less devices per carrier IMHO, and Apple needs to release a bit of their grip on what you as a user can control.

For me, android makes sense. I like to have some customization, and I think there is a lot of reverse engineering and such that happens because of locked devices. If everything was unlocked, we'd never have seen 2nd-init and such. That right there is "developing" in my eyes.

But all in all, I think that if you want to hack around and that, android is the way to go. Generally, iOS just "works" out of the box, because of the direct hardware/software relationship.
I like android and apple. Apple because their devices just work, where as android has some hiccups due to its fragmentation but that fragmentation leads to more device choices. While android offers a less locked down approach apple is, here's the device how we think it should be.

My main reasons for choosing android are:
1. The many choices of devices.
2. Screen size. Yes size matters.
3. Ability to swap batteries. When I am on my phone a lot I use battery like crazy especially with 4G on my Nexus. But I don't have time to plug in while on the go so swapping batteries is much more convenient.
4. LTE data speeds.

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Well, so far, people have done pretty good at not being completely biased. :) I mean I have bias over Android.. but I'll still praise Apple for stuff and not be blinded by that bias.

Anyways, the reason I like Android is pretty much for the same reasons as you guys.

I choose Android for pretty obvious reasons.. customization, removable battery, and the open OS. But it does need a lot more work.. ICS so far though has been absolutely amazing and clean. Get some of the issues it has gone, and we may have something.

Now that Android has ICS, I think the people that make the phones need to stick with no skins.. And then we'll have time to focus on hardware as well. Because while hardware isn't too bad on Android and probably more durable than the iPhone, it's definitely not as flashy as the iPhone. The One X and S are definitely stepping that up though which is good. Those are beautiful devices. As is the Nokia Lumia 900. If that phone was Android and had ICS.. the Nexus wouldn't even be an option just because of the hardware. Hardware does matter. Not just specs, but the way the phone looks.

Android also needs to get up to par with the iPhone in aspects of apps. We have plentiful, but as mentioned about, iPhones are just higher quality and they have more big named apps.
I don't like iOS at all, however, I have a great respect for it. It's a phone/OS that anyone can pick up and just almost automatically KNOW how to use it. Both my parents own iPhones and I am surprised at how little I have to walk them through some stuff, it's just really straightforward and easy for them to use (both of them only take the time to learn the bare minimum when it comes to any tech). iOS is also a very smooth OS and is very clean (something Android can definitely work on still even though ICS is a huge jump). In terms of hardware, I still say the iPhone can't be beat, it really is a piece of art almost to me. Sure it's extremely fragile, but it's just a very clean and elegant design, it's just nice to look at. A bigger screen is to be desired, but in terms of total package, the iPhone has it.

Now I prefer Android, especially after I got my Nexus and seeing where ICS is going. The OS can only get better from here with the next version. It's a bit more complicating compared to iOS, but that's what I like about it. I personally let people see my phone when they want and it's not as easy to go snooping around if the want (I got nothing to hide though). I do notice the first thing they see are widgets and are greatly impressed with them (from weather widgets to youtube one). Honestly I can't imagine an OS without widgets now, they're just so helpful.

I'd say the only downside to Android is the hardware and the amount of it. I'm all for variety, but it's starting to look more like quantity than quality. No Android hardware, except for the Xperia S, comes close to the beauty of the iPhone, imo of course. Sure Android has the phones with the bigger screen, but I want the rest of the phone to just be as good. Some phones go from a nice screen to some cheap feeling plastic. I think manufacturers could spend more time on releasing a higher quality phone instead of an iteration of a previous model every 6-8 months. Just my .02 on that though, I love my Nexus for the record and the plastic on it doesn't feel cheap.

As for apps, Android does have a bit of catching up to do, but then again it's open source. Apple is very strict about the apps that make it to their app store and the quality shows. I'm happy with the apps on Android though, there may be some quality to be desired, but some Android apps do better than their iOS counterparts or equivalent.

The best thing about it is both Android and iOS push each other to get better. 2 or 3 years down the road we'll see what happens to both operating systems, but for now I'd say they're at about equal ground.
Variety is the spice of life and for that I will choose Android every time here on out. I've had both the 3G (1 1/2 years) and 4GS (about a week haha) builds of iphone and they are very easy to use and quite streamlined but at the cost of true customization. Siri is a pretty awesome addition too and hardware wise they definitely have it figured out.

I personally love my GNex about as much as my OG Droid because of how I customize just about anything I want, when I want (I love to tinker). I especially loved breaking free from itunes and other proprietary Apple restrictions.

Apple is the right choice for many people but I hope everyone at least gives Android a fair shot to see that it's pretty awesome. It may not seem as polished as iOS but as long as there are bugs there will be people fixing them and we will always have something else to look forward to. I feel like Apple kind of got it right out of the gate but has gotten a little stale and complacent because of it or maybe they just have the mentality of "if it isn't broke, don't fix it."

Either way, I'm all Android.
Android forever for my phones and Macs all the way for my computers.

I will say that people feeling like they need to choose one side over the other is completely ridiculous. That's not to say we can't have a preference because obviously we all will have one, one way or the other but the making fun of and the complete lack of respect from some of the fanboys on both sides is honestly some of the most childish junk I have ever seen. I love technology, the end.
Android forever for my phones and Macs all the way for my computers.

I will say that people feeling like they need to choose one side over the other is completely ridiculous. That's not to say we can't have a preference because obviously we all will have one, one way or the other but the making fun of and the complete lack of respect from some of the fanboys on both sides is honestly some of the most childish junk I have ever seen. I love technology, the end.
I agree with this completely.

Thanks for the replies, guys!