Ok, I feel like I'm in a group meeting for some addiction. But I got my phone operating the way it should, I think. It's been over 18 hours since my last charge, and at 49% battery, on the standard battery. That's a LOT closer to what I expect my phone to be giving me. Side note, I don't see much power savings in CDMA Only mode vs. LTE or CDMA/LTE. I'm convinced that if the WiFi radio does not get a hit, it eats up more battery than the LTE or CDMA radios do. Bluetooth seems not to take much at all.
Let me run down what all I did to rectify the problem. For the record I am rooted and I think honestly that rooting is mandatory to get the best out of this phone.
First the apps:
- Watchdog Lite: This allows me to keep tabs on "runaway" apps or processes that start eating CPU unnecessarily. It alerts me when there is an app that is chugging my device, and it turns out Tune-In Radio was upwards of 78% CPU when streaming, so I got rid of it and went to Xiia Lite instead.
- SetCPU: Allows me to set rules around the CPU. When the screen is off the processor drops to the bare minimum since it doesn't need to be running full force if I'm not doing anything with it. Also maximizes the processor when charging, so if I'm streaming something I'll be plugged in. Requires root though.
- AdFree: blocks most ads on the web including Flash ones and ones that load all sorts of stuff which was causing the browser to use more processor and RAM than it needed.
- Titanium Backup PRO: Of course, the key to locking down the apps and processes I don't want. This was and is the leader of the pack, IMO. Does require root.
- Power Schedule: Lets me set schedules around the mobile data and WiFi usage. For me, mobile data should only be on if I'm not at home, which is basically 7:30am to 6:00pm during the week. I only ever need one or the other depending on whether I'm at home or not, so this allows me to disable the other during the times I don't need it. I then do manual switching on the weekends if I go out and get something or go somewhere - WiFi only when at home, Mobile Data only when not at home. Works perfectly.
The key was some of the processes that were running that didn't need to be. That's where Titanium Backup PRO came in. I froze the following:
- Bitbop
- Black Board
- Blockbuster
- City ID
- Facebook
- Flickr
- FM Radio
- FMRadioWidget
- Footprints 1.0
- Footprints 2.00
- Friend Stream
- Friend Stream Widget
- Lets Golf
- Mobile IM (use Google Voice)
- Mobile Instant Messaging Widget
- Peep
- PVMtpServiceStart (even if you freeze Blockbuster, you must freeze this separately or it will still run)
- PVWmdrmService (even if you freeze Blockbuster, you must freeze this separately or it will still run)
- Rhapsody
- Rock Band
- Slacker
- Stocks
- Stocks Widget
- TuneWiki
- Twitter widget
- V CAST Apps
- V CAST Media Manager
- Visual VM (Use Google Voice)
- VZ Navigator (Use Google Maps)
I am now liberated and my Thunderbolt behaves the way I need it to.
That is absolutely unacceptable that you have to go to such lengths to get the phone to operate like it is supposed to out of the box.
Imagine buying a Corvette and having to unplug half of the spark plug wires and stuff an old sock into the air intake in order to get it to run long enough to get you to work. Why would you?
My girlfriend left ATT/iPhone because she got tired of dead spots and 6-10 dropped calls a day. She now has a great phone with amazing LTE speed, but she has to charge it every 4 hours.
Screen brightness set to 25%, screen timeout at 30 seconds, sync turned off, all the usual tweaks. She got up yesterday at 100%, it having been charging all night, and within an hour it was down to 40%, and she was only using the phone for about 10 minutes in that time.
She finally got fed up and called Verizon and they said that they get calls nonstop, because in the tech's own words, "The battery life on the TB sucks". LOL
So they sent her an extended battery for free, which will not solve the issue of why it drains so fast, but at least it will last longer, and when they release a software patch to "fix" the problem, she should have crazy battery life with the 2600mAh battery.
I cannot imagine that VZW was unaware of this issue before they sold the phone. That is what irritates me. That they knew about it, and released the phone anyway.