Over the past several days, I have been getting much worse battery life on my TB. yesterday, for example, i charged the phone completely before heading to a movie and lunch. I used the phone for less than 10 mins to surf the net and went into the movie. i came out of the movie and was on the yellow battery bar (15% or 20%, can't remember what it is). I check the battery life stats and it had been 3 hr 34 min since it was fully charged. Similar thing happened today, barely used the phone and it was completely dead by dinner time. usually the battery is about 50% by the end of the day when the battery was working correctly. any ideas as to what could cause this? i didn't install any new apps/programs recently. i have been having a few random reboots, which i'm reading is a known problem. do i just need to take it to verizon? i bought it at best buy, do i need to do there or can i just take it to verizon?