Still losing data!


New Member
Nov 16, 2011
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Yes...I am still losing data. I am using a razr, my third one, All with the same problems. I work in an area with spotty reception but I usually get a decent 3g signal...but not for long. It drops...then sometimes reconnects to 1x, then the games begin. All day. Is very frustrating, I have done the airplane mode, cdma only, data toggle, and spoke to many Verizon servicers who just said..."I dunno." I have seen that this topic has gone away and only wish mine has too, but it hasn't. Any help from people who have experienced this recently after updates?

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3 phones with identical problems tells you that its not the device. I am at a loss to. Do others suffer from the same problem?
I know Verizon users, mostly IPhones that have no problems. I know i'm on the cusp of good-bad service, but it will work fine, then go out every couple minutes(not moving). But when I stream only Netflix (not YouTube) it will rarely ever drop. Just thought I would fish for an answer.

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I am smack dab in he middle of Austin, Tx with great 3G and 4G coverage and my data drops completely for no reason at all even when I am on CDMA only. Does not happen a lot but I will be holding the phone doing something and it will just go away all together and come back on a few seconds later.
I have a similar issue. Will have strong 4G or 3G and look down and suddenly no data connection.

No discernible reason why, it just drops and the only way i seem to get it back is by toggling airplane mode. I have noticed a similar issue on my vzw 4G iPad.

It seems to have a problem switching between LTE and 3G. May be something to do with the radios.
The most maddening part about it is how the Verizon staff just plays dumb and they literally give me no help other than the usual line...cdma only, airplane mode. You would think with the amount the phone is worth and the monthly...never mind. If I paid for a car that didn't turn on all the time, the company would probably help. Good thing they are in the phone business.

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My Razr was fine for about 3 weeks and I just started losing data. I completely lost 4G for a full day (I'm in a 4G hot spot). I called Verizon and they said opened up a ticket, text me the next day saying that they fixed the problem and now I'm back on 4G, but still lose data throughout the day. Very disappointing. I never lost data with my iPhone, neither has my wife. I thought I was done with reception issues when I gave the GNex the boot.

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Mine just did it again for several minutes, but Verizon seems to think that it is a non issue and that toggling airplane mode is a happy solution. I have full 4G in my area and they actually suggested that i turn off the LTE. Well what is the point of having this highly expensive phone and plan if I turn off LTE. Kinda pointless don't you think

Sent from my 4G LTE DROID RAZR using Forum Runner
I'm on my 4th Razr now & 3 of them data was worthless. Razr #2 would switch between 3g & 4g alot but without dropping data. The worst part about it is not only does it not work at times that I need but it makes so my phone won't charge & kills battery faster than normal. This morning in after about 1hr in the car battery was down 30% & the first 15min this worked as they should temp & charging wise.

Unless Verizon gets another model phone & offers it to me I'm breaking my contract. Might give At&t a try again for the HTC One X or the Nokia Lumina 900 or just go back to Sprint if they have a new high end phone.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Forum Runner
3 phones with identical problems tells you that its not the device. I am at a loss to. Do others suffer from the same problem?

I have a feeling with this thread its a network issue rather than the phone. To hear data or reception issues with the RAZR ...its rare. Like after all these months I have been getting stuck in 3G from time to time. That hasnt happened since the RAZR updates.

I know when my DX1 was my main phone...I somehow lost data completely. I had to factory reset it to fix it.

But yea...I agree.. After ALL this time now data issues pop up? Weird. Rezound....2 of them.... both had the exact same issues. But it was more than just data issues. I blamed the phone. One example was noise cancellation. Since I dont get many complaints about being on the back of the bus with my RAZR....I feel it was the phone.
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I have a quick question for those of you that are experiencing periodic data drops that come back after a few seconds. Are you on system version 6.12.181?

I have heard that .181 is glitchy.

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
^Forgot about that update...It is odd that threads like this pop up after the latest update. I'm on .181.
1st Razr on. 173-data spent more time dropped than connected, .181-seemed to he even worse. Razr #2 .173 was only used to until I setup wifi, but seemed OK, .181 data didn't seem to drop but it did switch often(never seemed to loosing connection while switch). Razr #3 data was like #1, updates like #3. Razr #4 came with .181 & data so far seems just slightly better than #1 & 3.

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I dont know what to say Get a different phone? Cuz personally...after 2 phones I'm on to a different model or manufacture. HTC has one more chance to win me over. Samsung is probably history.